OSINT Eye Documentation


OSINT Eye is a desktop application built using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) in C#. The application provides functionality for querying GitHub repositories, finding user emails, social media account lookups, and subdomain enumeration. It interacts with GitHub’s API and utilizes a database to store email and author information for faster subsequent queries. The application also provides export capabilities for results to CSV files.

Application Screenshot

Key Features:

  • Query GitHub for usernames by email.
  • Retrieve emails associated with a GitHub username and store them in a database.
  • Copy email results to the clipboard.
  • Search for social media accounts by username.
  • Enumerate subdomains of a specified domain.
  • Export results to CSV format.


  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  • Build the solution to restore NuGet packages.
  • Add-Migration InitialCreate and Update-Database in the Package Manager Console to create the database.
  • Run the application.


1. GitHub Username Finder (by Email)


  • FindUserNameByEmail: This function queries GitHub’s API to search for users based on their email address.
  • Event Handler (btnUsernameQuery_Click): A WPF button click event that triggers the email-to-username search. Displays results in a list.


  • Input an email address in the txEmail TextBox.
  • Press the "Find Username" button.
  • The application will fetch the username associated with the email if available.

API Call:

  • The method FindUserNameByEmail sends a GET request to GitHub's API using an email as a search query parameter.

Example Code Snippet:

private async Task<string> FindUserNameByEmail(string email)
    using HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    var url = $"{API_URL}/search/users?q={email}";
    var result = await ApiCall(client, url);
    // Process the response to extract the username.

2. GitHub Email Finder (by Username)


  • GetEmailsByUsername: This function fetches emails from GitHub repositories associated with a username. The results are stored in a database for future queries.
  • Event Handler (btnEmailQuery_Click): This event is triggered when a user inputs a GitHub username and clicks the search button. The function retrieves email addresses from the user’s public repositories.

Database Storage:

  • Emails and associated authors are saved into a local database using Entity Framework Core, avoiding repeated API calls for the same username.

Example Code Snippet:

using (var context = new AppDbContext())
    var storedEmails = context.EmailAuthors
                               .Where(ea => ea.Author == username)
                               .Select(ea => new { ea.Email, ea.Author })
    // If emails are found in the database, return them.

3. Email Copy to Clipboard


  • Double-clicking an email in the ResultEmails DataGrid copies the selected email and author to the clipboard.
  • Clipboard Operation: The program interacts with Windows clipboard APIs (user32.dll) to handle clipboard operations.

Example Code Snippet:

MessageBox.Show("Email copied to clipboard.", "Email Copied", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

4. Social Media Account Finder


  • This feature checks various websites for social media accounts associated with the given username.
  • SearchButton_Click: Triggers the search process and updates the UI with found accounts.

Example Code Snippet:

await socialAccountFinderController.CheckWebsitesAsync(username,
    status => SocialAccountResult.Text = status,
    resultUrl => AddResult(resultUrl)

Result Handling:

  • Results are displayed in the SocialMediaResults DataGrid and can be exported to a CSV file.

5. Subdomain Finder


  • Subdomain Finder: Finds subdomains for a given domain using a third-party API.
  • DomainSearchBtn_Click: Initiates the query process for subdomains and populates the results in the SubDomainResults DataGrid.

Example Code Snippet:

var subdomains = await subdomainFinderController.FindSubdomainsAsync(domain);
foreach (var subdomain in subdomains)

6. Export to CSV


  • Results from the Email Finder, Social Media Finder, and Subdomain Finder can be exported to CSV files.
  • btnExport_Click: Initiates the export process by building a CSV format string and saving it using a Save File dialog.

Example Code Snippet:

var saveFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog
    Filter = "CSV file (*.csv)|*.csv",
    Title = "Export Emails to CSV",
    FileName = "emails.csv"

Helper Functions

ApiCall Method

  • Sends HTTP GET requests and processes the JSON response.
  • Implements rate-limiting with a delay to avoid exceeding GitHub API rate limits.
private async Task<JsonNode> ApiCall(HttpClient client, string url)
    await Task.Delay(DELAY);
    var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
    // Parse and return the response as JSON.


  • Updates a TextBlock UI element with a message to provide feedback on the operation’s success or failure.
private void DisplayMessage(TextBlock statusTextBlock, string message)
    statusTextBlock.Text = message;

User Interface Components

  1. TextBoxes: For user inputs such as email, username, and domain.
  2. Buttons: Trigger various search and export functionalities.
  3. DataGrids: Display search results (Emails, Social Media Accounts, Subdomains).
  4. TextBlocks: For displaying status messages and results.

External Libraries

  • HttpClient: To handle HTTP requests and interact with GitHub’s API.
  • Entity Framework Core: To handle database operations.
  • Newtonsoft.Json: For JSON parsing and processing.
  • Windows Clipboard APIs (user32.dll): To manage clipboard operations.

Error Handling

  • The program includes various try-catch blocks to handle potential exceptions, especially when interacting with APIs and the database.
  • Retry mechanisms are implemented when copying data to the clipboard to ensure stability.


OSINT Eye is a powerful desktop tool for GitHub information retrieval, social media account searching, and subdomain enumeration. It provides a user-friendly interface and efficiently handles data with caching, rate-limiting, and error-handling mechanisms. Users can easily export their results for further use.