
Experimenting with jME3

Solar System Simulator

Experimenting with jME3 / Summer 2011

Requires a video card supporting OpenGL.

  • High resolution imagary courtasy of NASA and others.
  • Planetary distances are proportionally accurate.
  • Planetary sizes are proportional to each other. The Sun had to be scaled down further due it being incredibly massive.
  • Planetary axial tilt is roughly accurate.
  • Planetary oribits are accurate to the date. The date can be increased/decreased via the f and r keys.
  • Planetary rotation scaled to one Earth day per 30s.
  • Atmosphere and night-lights are implemented for Earth.

Main class:


Oribital calculations can be found in:


Controls Summary:

Left Mouse : Click to lock/unlock mouse aim
wsad  : Move camera forward/backward/left/right
q     : Move camera up
z     : Move camera down
shift : Hold down to move at 10% of normal speed
o     : Toggle planet orbital rings on/off
i     : Toggle planet indicators on/off
y     : Toggle milkyway skymap on/off
c     : Toggle clouds/atmosphere (Earth only)
f     : Increment the date
r     : Decrement the date
1 - 9 : Jump to planet

Screen Shots: http://imgur.com/a/T6VLJ#0





