
Possible bug when using case_bootstrap() on lme-model

Closed this issue · 3 comments

jRafi commented

The case_bootstrap-function returns the error "could not find function cases.resamp" when I give it a lme-object, but not an nlme-object. Since the bootstrap-function worked on the same objects, I figured there could be a bug when using case_bootstrap on lme-objects.

For a reproducible example, see:

aloy commented

Thanks for catching this! I changed the way I called .cases.resamp for the lme4 package, but forgot to make the same change for the other function. I just pushed the fix.

jRafi commented

Hi Adam,

Following on from Jonas' comment, just wondering if any recent (i.e. since January 2022) changes have been made to way the lmeresampler bootstrap function works with lme objects for a cases bootstrap? I'm getting reasonable results for a lmer model object, but not for the equivalent lme model object. R code and a test dataset attached to illustrate.

Cases bootstrap with