
tmux popup menu with platform.sh's projects, copying project ID to pasteboard

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Platform.sh project list for tmux


Show a menu with platform.sh's projects list, and copies the platform.sh project ID to the pasteboard.

This is just a first draft and assumes the user is already authenticated via the CLI.



  • macOS
  • tmux >= 3.0
  • python >= 3.0

With Tmux Plugin Manager

Add the plugin in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'aloyr/tmux-platform'

Press prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it. Done.


Clone the repo somewhere. Add run-shell in the end of .tmux.conf:

run-shell PATH_TO_REPO/tmux-platform.tmux

NOTE: this line should be placed after set-option -g status-right ....

Press prefix + : and type source-file ~/.tmux.conf. Done.


Press tmux prefix + C-p (for example, C-b C-p) and you will see a list of platform.sh projects.