
A central repository for all proto files of PokémonGO.

Primary LanguageProtocol Buffer


Build Status

This repository contains the ProtoBuf .proto files needed to decode the PokémonGo RPC.

If you want to know which messages are implemented right now, click here.



Since this is under such heavy development we release a new stable version every so often. If you don't want your depending code to break, check out Releases. The current latest version is v1.0 but if you don't care about breaking changes, feel free to use master.


Current recommended protoc version: "Protocol Buffers v3.0.0-beta-4".

You can find download links here.


Be sure to add protoc to your environmental path.


Ensure that you have the newest version of protoc installed.


Use homebrew to install protobuf with brew install --devel protobuf.


There are two ways to compile POGOProtos.

Single file compilation (Recommended)

Single file compilation merges every directory to it's own .proto file. As an example:

  • Networking/Requests/Messages/*.proto
  • Networking/Responses/*.proto


  • POGOProtos.Networking.Requests.Messages.proto
  • POGOProtos.Networking.Responses.proto

These new files are then compiled by protoc and placed in the output directory. This greatly reduces the amount of output files.


Run python compile_single.py to compile everything to a single file.


  • Add the -l or --language flag to compile to whatever language you need, the default is C#.
  • Add the -o or --output flag to set an output directory, the default is out.
  • Add the -d or --desc_file flag to only generate a descriptor file, POGOProtos.desc will be written to the specified output directory.
  • Add the --go_import_prefix to prefix all imports in output go files for vendoring all dependencies
  • Add the --go_package to specify the name of the exported go package

Recursive compilation

Recursive compilation loops through all directories and compiles every .proto file it finds to the specified output directory.


Run python compile.py to recursively compile everything.


  • Add the -l or --language flag to compile to whatever language you need, the default is C#.
  • Add the -o or --output flag to set an output directory, the default is out.

Extra information

You can find all available languages here https://github.com/google/protobuf.


If you don't want to compile POGOProtos but instead use it directly, check out the following repository.

More will be added later when most proto files are added.

Language Source
NodeJS https://github.com/rastapasta/node-pokemongo-protobuf
.NET https://github.com/johnduhart/POGOProtos-dotnet
PHP https://github.com/jaspervdm/pogoprotos-php
Go https://github.com/pkmngo-odi/pogo-protos
Haskell https://github.com/relrod/pokemon-go-protobuf-types