
This project is intended to be a virtual recreation of The Thing from the Future (2014) is originally a physical card playing game created by Stuart Candy and Jeff Watson (Situation Lab). Visit their site at https://situationlab.org/project/the-thing-from-the-future/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Thing from the Future (2014) is originally a physical card playing game created by Stuart Candy and Jeff Watson (Situation Lab). Visit their site here

This little project I made to dust off my basic web development skills. I used the p5js library for the interactivity. Feel free to reuse any of this and let me know how it can be improved (the js is painfully rustic, sorry, still getting the hang of it).

Copyright (c) 2022 Pilar Gomez Ruiz Licensed under the MIT License