
Broadly Applicable C++ Tracing and Instrumentation API :camel:

Primary LanguageC++European Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

bactria - Broadly Applicable C++ Tracing and Instrumentation API

Language Platforms License

About this project


The bactria library is a header-only C++14 library for profiling and tracing. By annotating segments of your code with bactria's classes you can gather fine-grained information about your application's performance without introducing runtime overhead in other program parts.

bactria itself is platform-independent and provides a unified modern C++ API to the user. The profiling and/or tracing information are collected by its various plugins:

  • JSON: Supported on all platforms. Used for saving user-defined metrics to disk.
  • stdout: Supported on all platforms. Used for tracing events and time spans and printing them to stdout.
  • Score-P: Supported on Linux. Used for collecting various metrics (such as hardware counters) and saving them to disk for later analysis.
  • NVTX: Supported on all platforms. Used for tracing events and time spans and visualizing them on NVIDIA's visual profilers.
  • rocTX: Supported on Linux. Used for tracing events and time spans and visualizing them on Chrome's about:tracing tool (used by AMD's ROCm).

Differences to similar projects

TODO: Fill this out!

Getting started


The user-facing API has no dependencies. However, most plugins require toml11 to be present and additionally introduce their platform-specific dependencies (such as Score-P, CUDA or ROCm).

bactria assumes that all builds happen out-of-source. The easiest way to achieve this is to create a build directory in bactria's top-level directory:

git clone https://github.com/alpaka-group/bactria.git
cd bactria
mkdir build && cd build


bactria uses CMake (>=3.18) as a build system. On top of the common CMake build options (such as the build type) it supports the following configuration switches:

  • bactria_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION -- Build the Doxygen documentation. Default: ON.
  • bactria_BUILD_EXAMPLES -- Build the examples (see the examples folder). Default: ON.
  • bactria_CUDA_PLUGINS -- Build the CUDA ecosystem plugins. Default: OFF
  • bactria_JSON_PLUGINS -- Build the JSON-based plugins. Default: ON
    • bactria_SYSTEM_JSON -- Use your local installation of the nlohnmann-json library. If set to OFF, bactria will attempt to download the library to its build directory. Default: ON.
  • bactria_ROCM_PLUGINS -- Build the ROCm ecosystem plugins. Default: OFF.
  • bactria_SCOREP_PLUGINS -- Build the Score-P plugins. Default: OFF.
  • bactria_STDOUT_PLUGINS -- Build the stdout plugins. Default: ON.
    • bactria_SYSTEM_FMT -- Use your local installation of {fmt} if the stdout plugins are being built. If set to OFF, bactria will attempt to download the library to its build directory. Default: ON.
  • bactria_SYSTEM_TOML11 -- Use your local installation of toml11. If set to OFF, bactria will attempt to download the library to its build directory. Default: ON.

The following example configures the build system for building the Doxygen documentation, the examples and the plugins for CUDA, JSON, Score-P and stdout in Release mode:



If the previous step was successful all that is left to do is invoke the actual build command:

cmake --build . --config Release -j[number of parallel jobs]


After a successful bactria build the contents of your build directory will look similar to this structure (Visual Studio and XCode builds may have another intermediate directory between build and the subdirectories here):

----[some files]/

You should be interested in the contents of examples and src. In the subdirectories of the examples folder you will find executables which already have built-in bactria support. In the subdirectories of the src folder you will find the plugins that were built according to your configuration:

|   |
|   ----simpleLoop/
|       |
|       ----simpleLoop
    |   |
    |   ----scorep/
    |       |
    |       ----libbactria_metrics_scorep.so
    |   |
    |   ----nvtx/
    |   |   |
    |   |   ----libbactria_ranges_nvtx.so
    |   ----roctx/
    |   ----stdout/
    |       |
    |       ----libbactria_ranges_stdout.so

Activating bactria plugins

Switch to the directory with the built simpleLoop example:

cd examples/simpleLoop

If you just execute the program without any further configuration you will notice that there are no additional output files produced. This is a design principle: If you do not want to use a certain aspect of bactria you do not have to! Internally, bactria will disable this functionality if no plugin was selected at runtime.

To enable bactria's plugins you have to set one (or more) of the following environment variables to the path of your desired plugin:

export BACTRIA_METRICS_PLUGIN=/path/to/bactria/build/src/metrics/scorep/libbactria_metrics_scorep.so
export BACTRIA_RANGES_PLUGIN=/path/to/bactria/build/src/ranges/nvtx/libbactria_ranges_nvtx.so
export BACTRIA_REPORTS_PLUGIN=/path/to/bactria/build/src/reports/json/libbactria_reports_json.so

After the program execution you should see some additional files in the directory that have not been present before. These are the files you can now load into your favourite analysis / profiling tools for further examination.

In the next sections we will explain the concepts behind metrics, ranges and reports.


Before you can use bactria you have to initialize the library. This is done by creating a Context (once per process) and keeping it alive until you no longer require any functionality from bactria. The Context takes care of loading your selected plugin(s) into memory so you can make use of bactria's user API. The easiest way for managing a bactria Context is to create it at the beginning of main and keep it alive until the program stops:

#include <bactria/bactria.hpp>

auto main() -> int
        auto ctx = bactria::Context{};
        auto ctx2 = ctx; // This is okay; Context's internals are reference-counted


        // End of scope: ctx is destroyed and automatically shuts down bactria.
    catch(std::runtime_error const& err)
        std::cerr << err.what() << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Note that the context is wrapped into a try/catch block. Should any internal errors occur in bactria's user-facing parts a std::runtime_error will be thrown.


bactria's ranges are a useful tool if you want to highlight / visualize certain events and time spans (= ranges) in your application code. This gives you a high-level view onto your program's behaviour and can help you with choosing the correct code segments to analyse in more detail.

  • Events are single points in time and are simply triggered / fired in the application code.
  • Ranges are time spans and are started and stopped.
  • Both Events and Ranges can be assigned to a Category. Through the configuration file you can filter out all Events and Ranges part of a specific Category.

Events and Ranges can freely overlap / be nested in any way you feel necessary. This is how it looks like in code:

auto foo()
    using namespace bactria::ranges;

    // After construction func_range is immediately started.
    auto func_range = Range{"Function foo()", color::orange};

    // Construct an event belonging to a category.
    auto cat_func_call = Category{/* id = */ 42, /* name = */ "function call"};
    auto call_event = Event{"Called bar()", color::green, cat_func_call};
    // Call bar once
    call_event.fire(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);

    // Call bar again -- will show up as separate event on profiler
    call_event.fire(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);

    // For one-time events there is a convenience macro that removes the __FILE__ __LINE__ __func__ boilerplate
    bactria_Event("Called baz()", color::blue, cat_func_call);

    // Ranges can overlap
    auto r1 = Range{"Some range", color::red};
    auto r2 = Range{"Another range", color::cyan};

    // Depending on condition one range is stopped now, the other when it leaves the scope.

    // End of scope: func_range and r1 or r2 are automatically stopped.

As you may have noticed we have supplied a color to the range / event constructor. Some plugins support custom colors to enhance the visualizer output (this depends on vendor APIs and is therefore not supported by all available plugins). You can either use one of bactria's numerous pre-defined colors (see include/bactria/ranges/Colors.hpp) or supply your own color in ARGB format:

constexpr auto my_orange = 0xFFFFA500u;
                         //  ^^^^^^^^
                         //  AARRGGBB


Once you have an idea of where your program spends most of its time you might want to optimize these portions. In order to find the major bottlenecks it is useful to look at certain metrics like hardware counters, a more detailed profiling, call stacks, and so on. Plugins implementing bactria's metrics functionality are built on top of various vendors' APIs dedicated to this purpose. By using bactria's metrics API you can make use of these APIs in a portable way.

In the metrics API the following classes are available:

  • Sectors are used as annotations in your code and enable the detailed collection of metrics by your ecosystem's performance tools.
  • Tags are a special kind of metadata that some plugins can make use of. By default, all Sectors are assigned the Generic tag. Some plugins understand additional information supplied by other Tags, such as Function, Loop, Body, and so on, to provide you with more detailed results.
  • Phases are used to group Sectors (possibly in different scopes) into logical program phases. Some performance tools can make use of this information to provide you with an analysis of these logical segments.

Both Sectors and Phases follow a stack-based / LIFO-based programming approach. This means that they have to be correctly nested and cannot overlap freely (in contrast to the ranges API).


auto bar()
    using namespace bactria::metrics;

    // Define logical phase and enter it immediately.
    auto p1 = Phase{"first_bar_half", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__};

    // Define logical phase, but do not enter it.
    auto p2 = Phase{"second_bar_half"};

    // Once successfully constructed this sector will start collecting metrics right away.
    auto s1 = Sector<Function>{"bar", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__};

    // Non-entering constructor: This sector needs to be entered manually at a later point. It will not collect any
    // metrics right away.
    auto s2 = Sector<Loop>{"some_sector"};

     * Do some work
    // s2.enter(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); // <-- This is very verbose. Fortunately there is a convenience macro:
    for(auto i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        /* ... */
    // s2.leave(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); // <-- Same as above

    /* Wrong order! Wrongly nested.

    // Right order: Leave first phase and enter second phase

    // Collect metrics for every iteration of a loop body
    auto s3 = Sector<Body>{"loop_body"};
    for(auto i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        /* Do work */

    // End of scope: p2 is left automatically


Sometimes the metrics collected by the various vendor-specific plugins are not enough. For this case bactria provides the reports API which enables you to save key-value pairs (where key is a std::string and value an arithmetic type or a std::string). To do this, you first create a IncidentRecorder and use it to create Incidents (the key-value pairs). Once your recording is complete you can submit a Report (which matches the output file generated by the plugin):

auto baz()
    using namespace bactria::reports;

    using clock = std::high_resolution_clock;

    // Define all types which are stored between recording steps. The last type must be an Incident
    using Recorder = bactria::reports::IncidentRecorder<
        typename clock::time_point,
        typename std::chrono::nanoseconds::rep,
    auto ir = Recorder{};

    // Extract record type from recorder. Our functors can use this to access the recorded values.
    using Record = typename Recorder::record_t;

    for(auto i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
        // Start timer
        ir.record_step([](Record& r) {
            // Store the clock::time_point in the recorder. The index corresponds to the element order defined
            // in the using Recorder = ... directive above.

        // Stop timer
        ir.record_step([](Record& r) {
            // Load the clock::time_point from the recorder.
            auto const start = r.load<0>();
            auto const end = clock::now();
            auto const dur = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start);

            // Store the nanoseconds

        // Do something else with no storage requirements
        ir.record_step([]() { std::cout << "Something else..." << std::endl; });

        // Calculate average
        ir.record_step([&](Record& r) {
            // Load the nanoseconds
            auto const dur = r.load<1>();
            avgLoopTime += dur;

            std::cout << "Hello, Incident!" << std::endl;

            if(i > 2 && (i + 1) % 5 == 0)
                auto const avg = avgLoopTime / 5.0;
                avgLoopTime = 0.0;

                // Save three different incidents we are interested in
                r.store<2>(bactria::reports::make_incident("Average", avg));
                r.store<3>(bactria::reports::make_incident("Step begin", i - 5 + 1));
                r.store<4>(bactria::reports::make_incident("Step end", i + 1));

                // Generate a report. The string (without any extensions) may be used to generate a filename
                // Make sure you include all incident indices you are interested in.
                // Repeated calls to this function with the same name string will append to the already
                // existing file (if any).
                r.submit_report<2, 3, 4>("loop_average");


Maintainers and Core Developers

  • Jan Stephan (original author)

Former Members, Contributions and Thanks

  • Dr. Michael Bussmann
  • RenĂ© Widera


This work was partially funded by the Center of Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) which is financed by Germany's Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and by the Saxon Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK) with tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.


This free software is licensed unter the EUPL v1.2. Please refer to the LICENSE file in this directory for the concrete details of this licence.