An Emacs minor mode that graphically indicates the fill column.
Emacs Lisp
- 8
Breaks magit-status buffer
#69 opened by aspiers - 3
Display troube when M-x report-emacs-bug
#56 opened by fniessen - 14
- 6
Underline in commit message becomes a full line
#55 opened by fniessen - 14
Display compatibility issue with company-mode
#54 opened by john2x - 4
issue with using TeX input-method
#53 opened by soonhokong - 4
- 12
Visiting tags table in combination with fill column indicator causes Emacs to hang
#49 opened by jdufresne - 33
Issues with web-mode
#46 opened by LeartS - 12
org-html-export-to-html issues?
#45 opened by grettke - 4
- 4
fci-mode and line-spacing
#36 opened by cpence - 2
Lint warnings
#37 opened by jaalto - 10
FR: allow automatic enabling globally or per-mode
#38 opened by aspiers - 16
- 5
Problems in Dired mode
#58 opened by mrkkrp - 4
issues with blame mode from magit
#59 opened by emmanueltouzery - 3
fci-mode breaks popup-el
#60 opened by Eilie - 2
fci-mode vs cua-mode rectangles
#61 opened by quarl - 2
- 2
- 4
- 3
Line numbers disappear on empty lines if fill column indicator enabled and the indicator is outside the visible buffer area
#71 opened by katusk - 3
Display compatibility with hs-minor-mode
#72 opened by dabrahams - 10
the dash pattern cannot be modified
#73 opened by tx46 - 3
Unacceptably slow
#87 opened by Alexander-Shukaev - 1
- 8
fci-mode: Args out of range: 3255, 3255
#83 opened by anmonteiro - 1
Remove FCI from spacemacs.
#89 opened by equwal - 3
- 5
- 3
Feature Request: Indicate multiple columns
#86 opened by danieljaouen - 22
- 2
- 1
- 1
Line wrapping stops working with fci-mode
#74 opened by tx46 - 1
- 2
- 2
Enable by default?
#65 opened by JuanCaicedo - 1
- 3
Should this mode work in log-edit-mode buffers?
#52 opened by grettke - 9
Issues with Wind Move
#40 opened by ivan-m - 3
- 5
Setting fci-rule-column is broken
#42 opened by mjog - 0
fci-rule-column doesn'
#41 opened by mjog - 1
Feature Request / Suggestion -- set multiple vertical lines (e.g., at tab stops).
#39 opened by lawlist - 1
Compatability with hl-line-mode
#34 opened by jdufresne - 1
incompatibility with emacs-24.3
#33 opened by ensc - 1
fill-column-indicator causes C-p to skip lines (even when line-move-visual is nil)
#32 opened by sandinmyjoints - 3
Makes emacs really slow
#30 opened by halfling