
Chapter 2 project from The Rust Programming Language book

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Guessing Game


My journey into Rust started now and this is my first Rust code from Chapter 2 of The Rust Programming Language book. I am planning to add as many as possible features to this project parallel by the learning process.

Things I learned and used in this project


Package system for Rust. You can build and run Rust programs with the cargo command. It's built in dependency manager. You can easily manage your dependencies with it and publish your own packages to crates.io. Equivalent to npm.

main function

Rust program starts by running main function. Functions are defined with the fn keyword.

println! macro

For now, I learned that names ends with ! are macros, and they are working a bit different from regular functions.

mut keyword

In Rust all variables are immutable by default. You can change the value of a variable with the mut keyword.

let, match, expect

let is used to declare a variable. match is used to match a value against a pattern. expect method of Result type is used to check if the value is Ok or Err and panics if it is Err. Another way to check if the value is Ok or Err is with the match expression. Its works like switch statement in Javascript.

loop, break, continue

loop keyword is used to infinite loop through a block of code. break keyword is used to break out of the loop. continue is used to skip the current iteration of the loop.


Publishing this code here inspired by GitSquared/guessing_game and i will implement features which i like from there. Maybe I will expand this list in the future.

  • Attempt Count
  • Colored console output
  • CSPRNG implementation
  • Icons
  • More features