
Random desktop wallpapers for Xfce Desktop using Unsplash Source

Primary LanguageShell


Random desktop wallpapers for Xfce Desktop using Unsplash Source


Clone this repository to your local machine

git clone https://github.com/hursey013/unsplasher.git
cd unsplasher

Make the update script executable

sudo chmod +x update.sh


nano update.sh
SIZE=1920x1080 #size of desktop
TERMS=wallpaper,nature #comma separated list
FEATURED_ONLY=true #limit results to photos included in curated collections
LOCAL=/tmp/wallpaper.jpg #where to store wallpaper locally

Running the update script


To trigger the update manually



To configure the wallpaper to change automatically

crontab -e

Add the following line to the end of the file, being sure to update the path to reflect the correct location

*/5 * * * * /path/to/unsplasher/update.sh

Enjoy your new wallpapers!