
`startproject` Template for Django projects

Primary LanguagePython

{{ project_name }}

[Django {{ django_version }}](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/{{ docs_version }}/) project, running with Python 3.7


  • Python 3.7
  • Virtualenv (pip3 install virtualenv)


Create a Python virtual environment:

$ virtualenv -p python3.7 env
$ source env/bin/activate

For development requirements:

(env)$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

For production requirements:

(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt



This project uses PostgreSQL as its database engine. For local development, the default configuration is specified in [dev.py]({{ project_name }}/conf/settings/dev.py#L5-L9)

Before starting the development server, make sure that:

  • PostgreSQL is running,
  • The database and its associated user (with password) exist and have the proper permissions.

Development server:

For local development, you can use Django's built-in development server:

(env)$ cd {{ project_name }}/
(env)$ python manage.py runserver

Other manage.py commands, see:

(env)$ python manage.py --help

About this template

This template is based on the project layout recommended by @pydanny and @audreyr in their "Two Scoops of Django" book, as well as my personal experience with Django so far.

This is only a lightweight Django project template layout.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive setup, check out Cookiecutter templates such as cookiecutter-django, or my own django-cookiecutter-template.

To use this template with the startproject django admin command:

django-admin startproject \
    --template https://github.com/alph0n5e/django-project-template/archive/master.zip \
    --extension py,txt,md