Alpha AKS cloud infrastructure
- Azure subscription with login/password
- Visual Studio code (Kubernetes plugin)
- Azure CLI
- kubectl
- Helm
- az login (Login to azure)
- ./azure/ [Cluster name] (The only parameter required is the cluster name (alphanumberic) ex: tbsprod2 )
The above creates a kubernetes cluster with the following:
- Resource group (clustername-rg)
- 1.16
- Autoscale up to 5 nodes
- 10GB private container registery (clustername-acr)
- Kubernetes cluster (clustername-aks)
One time setup:
- Install Azure CLI (
- Install VS Code (
- Install Kubernetes plugin for VS Code (
- Run the following from the commandline: az aks get-credentials --resource-group tbs-prod-rg --name tbs-prod-aks
For each log:
- Select the namespace for the container in the clusters pane (Right-click "use context")
- Open the workloads
- Open the deployments
- Right-click and selct "Follow Logs"
cert-manager - resposible for automatically creating certificates for any domain created on the platform
- Ensure you have selected the correct cluster
- cd cert-manager
- ./
- ./