Used in production? Status of CWL v1.{0,1,2} conformance tests?
mr-c opened this issue · 2 comments
Thank you for mr-c/cwl_methods_included#3 ; as for the listing of Streamflow on the CWL website under I was curious if we should move it up from "Partial Implementations"
Is Streamflow used in production? Please list where and by whom.
How many CWL v1.0, v1.1, and v1.2 conformance tests pass? Which optional features of CWL does it support?
Consider generated CWL conformance badges to better communicate what parts of the CWL standards you support:
(Example: )
Hi Michael,
StreamFlow reached its Beta phase with version 0.1.0 and supports all required features of CWL 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. Plus it supports almost all optional features, including expresison tools, scatter and the recently introduced conditional construct. Related badges have been added to the
In addition, StreamFlow is used in several European Projects:
- In the DeepHealth Project it is the workflow engine behind the UniTO OpenDeepHealth platform for multi-tenant Deep Learning pipelines (see for example;
- In the ACROSS Project it is part of the architecture of the Multi-level Orchestrator towards Heterogeneous Exascale Computing (related deliverables will be published after acceptance by the European Commission);
- In the TEXTAROSSA Project it is one of the programming models and toolchains included in the technological stack (see;
- In the ADMIRE Project it will be part of a large-scale containerised data analytics application.
Finally, it serves as the distributed workflow runtime support for the Jupyter-workflow kernel (see Given that, it is ready to be moved in the production-ready implementations of CWL.
@GlassOfWhiskey Thanks for this documentation! I agree; I'll update common-workflow-language/cwl-website#85 accordingly