
A Student Registration Form using Java Swing, Java Event Handling, JDBC and Oracle SQL 10G.

Primary LanguageJava


A Student Registration Form using Java Swing, Java Event Handling, JDBC and Oracle SQL 10G.

Developed using Netbeans IDE 7.3.1 so the source code is inside src/student_login/Student_Login.java and the JAR file is inside dist/Student_Login.jar


When you build an Java application project that has a main class, the IDE automatically copies all of the JAR files on the projects classpath to your projects dist/lib folder. The IDE also adds each of the JAR files to the Class-Path element in the application JAR files manifest file (MANIFEST.MF).

To run the project from the command line, go to the dist folder and type the following:

java -jar "Student_Login.jar"

To distribute this project, zip up the dist folder (including the lib folder) and distribute the ZIP file.