based on lots of changes, and learning.
- Updated IRremoteESP8266 v2.7.7 (as of writing of this
- Used platformio and clion, as the setup. Not arduino IDE.
- Included code for SHARP GA667WJSA -- LCD TV LC32SB24U LC60E79U LCC6077UN LC52E77U
The code serves some files index.html css/bootstrap.min.css favicon.ico (and homescreen icons)
the text/binary files are gzipped first, and stored as part of the html.h file. It's automatically done over the build process.
I write about the build process in detail here:
The process to customize::
- use to obtain your IR codes (you'll need to an IR sensor)
- modify the json (index.html), for codes and html layout (using bootstrap 4.5)
- modify main.cpp sendIrCommand() to send your appropriate ir method (NEC/SONY/etc...) that will stay the same.
Future (maybe, and in no particular order):
- OTA updates
- MQTT to send/recieve the status of the device is up/down, similar to tasmota devices. However, there is no feedback... so unsure how that will function.
Tips on this, hae a second ESP8266, so one can record, and the other send, so you can debug this easier...