He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has placed a curse on the source code of Hogwarts' administration software. Errors, typos, and bugs abound! Literally nothing works.

Your Mission

You're Rubyist Hagrid, a member of Dumbledore's Army. Correct all the errors so that this app runs properly.

The errors are all in locations that we've covered in class. (Even Voldemort's not that heartless!) Also, there are no changes necessary in the app/assets folder.

Looking at files in Atom with syntax highlighting may be helpful.

Making sure your HTML and CSS validate is still important! If you copy an paste a .erb file it won't validate, however -- so copy and paste the resulting HTML as it shows up in your web browser.


Add functionality so students can enroll at Hogwarts (creating a new student). Include a "Sorting Hat" method to randomly assign new students to one of Hogwarts' four houses. (Where do you think this logic should go?)