
Implementation of page rank algorithm

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#Assignment 2

Group Members:

Neetu : 2015A7PS0079H Deepti Kottamasu : 2015A7PS0031H


This assignment is aimed at implementing PageRank and Topic Specific PageRank. Working models for the following techniques have been built using PYTHON.

The following tasks have been completed:

Successful implementation of the algorithm on a reasonably sized dataset. Handling Spider traps and Dead ends Topic – specific pagerank Visualization of the nodes based on pageranks

Randomized_algorithm_dataset with 742 nodes has been used as the primary dataset for testing.


adj_list : contains the adjacency list of all the nodes in the dataset

nodes: contains 742 nodes with description

inv_adj_list: contains the inverse adjacency list

adj_matrix : this file has been built up from adj_list, using list2matrix.cpp

topic : contains a few categorized topics for topic-page-rank

#Build the code:

To run the code:

-type in the command line:

python page_rank.py

For the HTML documentation: run firefox html/index.html