
Display your Screen on a WS2812b LED Matrix

Primary LanguageC#


Display your screen on a WS2812b LED matrix
With this application you can screenshare your desktop to an ESP-connected WS2812b LED matrix.

How to use

Please download the newest release files.
Open the .ino file with the Arduino IDE and configure your WiFi credentials as well as the size of your matrix.
The program should be able to handle every size as well as a matrix with more than one tile.
For information about the matrix configuration visit the Adafruit website

After changing the settings in the code upload the sketch to your controller.
It is recommended to use a ESP32.
If the Upload is finished the ESP starts to connect to your WiFi,
if the connection was successful the matrix should light up in pink.
Now you can install the Windows application.

Now you can install the Windows application. Open the Windows-Setup.msi and follow the instructions.
At the first startup you need to specify which IP-Address you want to connect to,
you probably have to look up the IP in the settings of your WiFi router.
Click on save and the application should start.
Now you can resize the Window to fit the Screen Capture area to whatever you want
Click on connect to start the communication with the ESP.
If it is successful the matrix should light up green and you should see the dimensions of the matrix under the connect button.

After you established a connection you can start sharing your screen by hitting the "Play-button".


This code isn't protected in any way, so if you want to use it for own projects or tinker with the software feel free to do so.
If you incorporate this code in your own project please let me know so I can check it out.