
The Local Python Code Protector Script is a command-line tool designed to provide source code protection and secure code sharing for Python scripts. It allows developers to obfuscate their Python code. This script supports both Python source files (.py) and compiled Python files (.pyc), offering flexible options for code obfuscation and encryption.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Local Python Code Protector Script Documentation

DOI License Python Version Cross-Platform Source Protection Code Security Python Obfuscator License Management Secure Distribution

Version: 1.2
© 2024 αβ.net (alphabetanet.com) - Alpha Beta Network. All Rights Reserved.

Note: This project is currently in Beta Testing and available for free.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The Local Python Code Protector Script is a command-line tool designed to provide source code protection and secure code sharing for Python scripts. It allows developers to obfuscate their Python code, making it more difficult for others to understand or reverse-engineer. This script supports both Python source files (.py) and compiled Python files (.pyc), offering flexible options for code obfuscation and encryption.

Key features of the script include:

  • Code Obfuscation and Encryption: Implements multi-level protection with dynamic encryption and obfuscation techniques.

  • Device-Specific Restrictions: Allows restricting code execution to specific devices based on hardware IDs.

  • Expiration Date Settings: Enables setting an expiration date after which the code will not run.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works on Windows, macOS, Linux/Unix, and other operating systems where Python 3.6+ is installed.

  • No Internet Connection Required: The protected code runs locally without needing an internet connection.

This tool is ideal for developers who need to protect their Python code when sharing it with clients, colleagues, or deploying it on servers, ensuring Python code security best practices are upheld.

The Local Python Code Protector Script can also be effectively used to further protect licensed source code files created by the Alpha Beta Network cloud platform (more advanced and flexible source code protection solutions such as Python Obfuscator Online and Secure Python Code Manager Script).

2. Installation

Before using the Local Python Code Protector Script, ensure that you have Python 3.6+ installed on your system.

2.1 Installing Required Packages

The script requires the following Python packages:

  • requests

  • psutil

  • cryptography

  • decompyle3

  • xdis

  • astor

You can install them using pip:

pip install requests psutil cryptography decompyle3 xdis astor

Ensure that you are using the correct version of pip associated with your Python 3 installation. If you are using a virtual environment, activate it before installing the packages.

3. Main Functions of the Script

The Local Python Code Protector Script provides the following main functionalities:

3.1 Obfuscating Python Source Files

Obfuscate and protect Python source files (.py) by applying multi-level encryption and obfuscation techniques.

3.2 Obfuscating Compiled Python Files

Protect previously compiled Python files (.pyc) using a unique recompilation technology that enhances their security.

4. Detailed Description of Each Function

4.1 Obfuscating Python Source Files

The script can obfuscate Python source files, making them harder to read and reverse-engineer.

Command Syntax

python local_python_code_protector.py -f FILE_PATH [OPTIONS]

Description of Parameters

  • -f FILE_PATH or --file FILE_PATH: (Required) Specifies the path to the Python source file (.py) to protect.

  • -d DEVICES or --device DEVICES: (Optional) A comma-separated list of hardware IDs (HWIDs) to restrict the code execution to specific devices.

  • -e DATE or --expiration DATE: (Optional) Sets an expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format, after which the code will not run.

  • -m MESSAGE or --message MESSAGE: (Optional) A custom message to display when the protected code is executed.

4.2 Obfuscating Compiled Python Files

The script can obfuscate compiled Python files (.pyc) by converting them back to a safe code representation and re-protecting them.

Command Syntax

python local_python_code_protector.py -f FILE_PATH [OPTIONS]

Note: The parameters are the same as for source files.

5. Additional Features

5.1 Restricting Code Execution to Specific Devices

You can restrict the execution of the protected code to specific devices by specifying their hardware IDs (HWIDs). Only devices with the listed HWIDs will be able to run the code.


  • -d DEVICES or --device DEVICES: A comma-separated list of HWIDs.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -d 123456789012345678,987654321098765432

5.2 Setting an Expiration Date

Set an expiration date for the protected code. After this date, the code will refuse to run.


  • -e DATE or --expiration DATE: The expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -e 2024-01-01

5.3 Adding Custom Messages

Add a custom message that will be displayed when the protected code is executed. This could be a disclaimer or any pertinent information.


  • -m MESSAGE or --message MESSAGE: The custom message text.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -m "This is a licensed instance #123456789012345678. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution is prohibited."

6. Usage Examples

6.1 Basic Obfuscation of a Source File

Obfuscate a Python source file without any additional restrictions.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py


  • The protected file will be saved in the Local_Protected directory as a compiled .pyc file.

6.2 Obfuscation with Device Restrictions

Restrict the execution of the protected code to specific devices.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -d 123456789012345678,987654321098765432


  • Replace the numbers with the actual HWIDs of the devices.

  • Only the devices with the specified HWIDs can execute the protected code.

6.3 Obfuscation with Expiration Date

Set an expiration date for the protected code.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -e 2024-01-01


  • After January 1, 2024, the code will not run.

6.4 Obfuscation with All Features

Combine device restrictions, expiration date, and a custom message.


python local_python_code_protector.py -f my_script.py -d 123456789012345678 -e 2024-01-01 -m "License valid until 2024-01-01."


  • The code will only run on the device with HWID 123456789012345678 and before January 1, 2024.

  • Upon execution, the message "License valid until 2024-01-01." will be displayed.

7. Recommendations and Best Practices

  • Add Multiple Protection Layers: To enhance security, you can obfuscate the already protected code again using the script.

  • Use Latest Python Versions: If possible, use the latest Python versions for which decompilers are not readily available.

  • Utilize Virtual Environments: Create virtual environments for different Python versions to generate protected versions compatible with various Python installations.

  • Combine with Cloud Protection: For more robust protection, consider using cloud-based solutions like Secure Python Code Manager and Python Obfuscator Online.

Appendix A: Installation of Required Packages

The local_python_code_protector.py script requires the following Python packages:

  • requests

  • psutil

  • cryptography

  • decompyle3

  • xdis

  • astor

Installing Packages with pip

You can install these packages using the following command:

pip install requests psutil cryptography decompyle3 xdis astor

Ensure that you are using the correct version of pip associated with your Python 3 installation. If you are working within a virtual environment, activate it before installing the packages.

Appendix B: Generating Hardware IDs

To restrict code execution to specific devices, you need to obtain the hardware IDs (HWIDs) of those devices. Use the system_hardware_id_generator.py script to generate the HWID.


  1. Run the script on the target device:
python system_hardware_id_generator.py
  1. The script will display the HWID:
Your Hardware ID (HWID) is: 123456789012345678
  1. Use this HWID with the -d or --device parameter when obfuscating your code.

Appendix C: Real-World Example - Universal Python Module with Multi-Version Compatibility

In this appendix, we present a real-world example of applying the Local Python Code Protector Script to create a secure, cross-platform, and multi-version compatible Python module.

C.1 Overview

The file system_hardware_id_generator.pyz is a universal Python module that encapsulates multiple protected .pyc files, each corresponding to a different Python version. It is optimized for cross-platform and multi-version compatibility, automatically detecting the current Python interpreter version and executing the appropriate protected module.

C.2 Construction of the Universal Module

C.2.1 Protected .pyc Files

Eight protected .pyc files were generated for different Python versions using the Local Python Code Protector Script. The protection process was applied twice to each file to strengthen the security.

Protected files:

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python36.pyc (Python 3.6)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python37.pyc (Python 3.7)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python38.pyc (Python 3.8)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python39.pyc (Python 3.9)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python310.pyc (Python 3.10)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python311.pyc (Python 3.11)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python312.pyc (Python 3.12)

  • system_hardware_id_generator_python313.pyc (Python 3.13)

C.2.2 Multi-Version PYZ Builder

The integration of these files into a single .pyz archive was achieved using the Multi-Version PYZ Builder, a software solution that leverages Alpha Beta Network technologies.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Python Version Detection: The module determines the current Python interpreter version at runtime.

  • Version-Specific Execution: Executes the protected .pyc file corresponding to the detected Python version.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Runs seamlessly on Windows, macOS, Linux/Unix, and other operating systems.

C.3 Advantages of Using a Universal .pyz File

  • Secure Code Sharing: The source code is deeply protected from analysis and recovery, ensuring high levels of Python code security and code obfuscation.

  • Simplified Distribution: Only one .pyz file needs to be distributed, regardless of the Python version or operating system of the end-user.

  • Enhanced Protection: By using pre-compiled and protected versions of the code, it adds an extra layer of security against decompilation and unauthorized access.

C.4 Using the Universal Module

To generate the Hardware ID (HWID) on any supported platform:

  1. Execute the .pyz file:
python system_hardware_id_generator.pyz
  1. The module will display the HWID:
Your Hardware ID (HWID) is: 123456789012345678


  • Ensures secure code execution without exposing the original source code.

  • Compatible with multiple Python versions, making it an ideal solution for environments with varied Python installations.

C.5 Building Your Own Universal Module

To create a similar universal Python module for your protected scripts:

  1. Protect Your Scripts: Use the Local Python Code Protector Script to obfuscate your .py files for each Python version you wish to support.

  2. Use Multi-Version PYZ Builder: Integrate the protected .pyc files into a single .pyz archive using the Multi-Version PYZ Builder.

  3. Distribute the .pyz File: Share the universal .pyz file with your users, ensuring they can run it on their platform and Python version without additional configurations.


  • Combines the strengths of code obfuscationencryption, and secure code sharing.

  • Facilitates cross-platform and multi-version support, enhancing user experience.

  • Aligns with Python code security best practices by minimizing exposure of sensitive code.

C.6 Conclusion

The use of a universal .pyz file exemplifies advanced techniques in source code protection and secure code sharing. By leveraging the Local Python Code Protector Script and the Multi-Version PYZ Builder, developers can create robust, secure, and versatile Python modules suitable for distribution across diverse environments.

Appendix D: Contact Information

If you experience issues or have questions not covered in this documentation, please contact the Alpha Beta Network Research Team.

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