
Analysis of an arbitrary cross-section in python using the finite element method.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Build Status Documentation Status

A python package for the analysis of arbitrary cross-sections using the finite element method written by Robbie van Leeuwen. sectionproperties can be used to determine section properties to be used in structural design and visualise cross-sectional stresses resulting from combinations of applied forces and bending moments.

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For more detailed installation instructions, refer to the documentation.

UNIX (MacOS/Linux):

$ pip install sectionproperties


Install meshpy by downloading the appropriate installation wheel.

Navigate to the location of the downloaded wheel and install using pip:

$ cd Downloads
$ pip install MeshPy‑2018.2.1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl

Once meshpy has been installed, sectionproperties can be installed:

$ pip install sectionproperties


sectionproperties has a fully documented python API which you can find at https://sectionproperties.readthedocs.io/. To read more about the theory behind the program, its implementation and some more examples, check out my blog at https://robbievanleeuwen.github.io/.

Current Capabilities:


  • Python API
  • Custom section geometry input
  • Common section geometry generators
  • Multiple geometry merging
  • Geometry cleaning
  • JSON input file
  • .dxf import
  • Quadratic triangular mesh generation
  • Composite material properties

Cross-Section Analysis:

  • Global axis geometric section properties:
    • Area
    • First moments of area
    • Second moments of area
    • Elastic centroid
  • Centroidal axis geometric section properties:
    • Second moments of area
    • Elastic section moduli
    • Yield moment
    • Radii of gyration
    • Plastic centroid
    • Plastic section moduli
    • Shape factors
  • Principal axis geometric section properties:
    • Second moments of area
    • Elastic section moduli
    • Yield moment
    • Radii of gyration
    • Plastic centroid
    • Plastic section moduli
    • Shape factors
  • Warping section properties:
    • Torsion constant
    • Warping constant
  • Shear section properties:
    • Shear centre (elastic method)
    • Shear centre (Trefftz's method)
    • Shear areas (global axis)
    • Shear areas (principal axis)
  • Cross-section stresses


  • Direct solver
  • CGS iterative solver
  • Sparse matrices


  • Plot geometry
  • Plot mesh
  • Plot centroids
  • Plot cross-section stresses
  • Generate cross-section report
  • Export to Paraview

Additional Modules:

  • Optimisation
  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Steel