Primary LanguageLuaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Third-Party Licenses

The following files are licensed under the Apache License 2.0: opendroneid-dissector.lua

For more details, see the LICENSE files included in this repository. https://github.com/opendroneid/wireshark-dissector

This project processes Remote ID (RID) data from drones and sends it as Cursor on Target (CoT) messages to a TAK server. It integrates with the Sniffle tool to capture Bluetooth packets.


  1. Python 3.6 or later
  2. Wireshark and TShark
  3. mkfifo utility
  4. sniff_receiver from the Sniffle repository

Setup Instructions

Step 1: Clone the RIDtoTAK Repository

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/RIDtoTAK.git

Step 2: Set Up FIFO for Drone PCAP

In a separate terminal window, create a FIFO for the drone PCAP:

mkfifo /tmp/drone_pcap

Step 3: Clone and Set Up Sniffle

In another terminal window, clone the Sniffle repository and run the sniff_receiver tool:

git clone https://github.com/nccgroup/Sniffle.git
cd Sniffle/python_cli
./sniff_receiver -l -e -o /tmp/drone_pcap

Step 4: Run RIDtoTAK

Back in the RIDtoTAK directory, run the RIDtoTAK script. Adjust the --tak-host, --tak-port, and --fifo-pcap-path parameters as needed: python3 RIDtoTAK.py --tak-host --tak-port 8054 --update-interval 5 --fifo-pcap-path /tmp/drone_pcap


  • --tak-host: TAK server hostname or IP address.
  • --tak-port: TAK server port.
  • --update-interval: Interval in seconds for CoT message updates.
  • --fifo-pcap-path: Path to the FIFO PCAP file.

Example Command

python3 RIDtoTAK.py --tak-host --tak-port 8087 --update-interval 10 --fifo-pcap-path /tmp/drone_pcap