
Terraform Cloud Foundry Provider

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Cloud Foundry Terraform Provider (v3 API)

Experimental implementation of terraform resource for rolling deployments of cloudfoundry applications using the v3 API.

Long-term intention is to contribute back upstream. This is the minimum viable chunk to meet our immediate need.

If you have stumbled here, you most likely want the more complete provider from cloudfoundry-community

Design goals of this experiment

  • Enable use of the V3 "rolling" deployment features now available in cloudfoundry v3+ API
  • Enable use of multiple buildpacks
  • Enable use of sidecars (not yet implemented)
  • Seperate the "application", "package", "build", "deployment" concepts into their own resources so that the provider resources map closer to the cloudfoundry API resources.
  • Decouple the starting of applications from the creation of application resources so that external depends_on can be set for things like network policies.


See the entry in the Terraform Registry

terraform {
  required_providers {
    cloudfoundry-v3 = {
      source  = "terraform-provider-cloudfoundry-v3/cloudfoundry-v3"
      version = "0.333.2"
  required_version = ">= 0.13"

provider "cloudfoundry-v3" {
  api_url      = var.cf_api_url
  user         = var.cf_username
  password     = var.cf_password

resource "cloudfoundry_app" "basic" {
	provider              = cloudfoundry-v3
	name                  = "basic-buildpack"
	space_id              = data.cloudfoundry_space.myspace.id
	environment           = {MY_VAR = "1"}
	instances             = 2
	memory_in_mb          = 1024
	disk_in_mb            = 1024
	health_check_type     = "http"
	health_check_endpoint = "/"

resource "cloudfoundry_droplet" "basic" {
	provider         = cloudfoundry-v3
	app_id           = cloudfoundry_app.basic.id
	buildpacks       = ["binary_buildpack"]
	environment      = cloudfoundry_app.basic.environment
	command          = cloudfoundry_app.basic.command
	source_code_path = "/path/to/source.zip"
	source_code_hash = filemd5("/path/to/source.zip")
	depends_on = [

resource "cloudfoundry_deployment" "basic" {
	provider   = cloudfoundry-v3
	strategy   = "rolling"
	app_id     = cloudfoundry_app.basic.id
	droplet_id = cloudfoundry_droplet.basic.id

Development / Releases

There were conserns that the org-wide permissions the terraform registery requires for release were too broad, so the release process is bit funky...

  • Merge to master in this repo trigger a sync to master on a repo outside the alphagov org here
  • Creating a tag in this repo of the form v0.333.X will trigger a Github Action that performs the release: see here
  • The Terraform Registry entry will automatically get updated here

Running tests

It's a bit of a hack right now, and you need a cloudfoundry deployment to test against..

Most of the env vars should be guessable, but for TEST_SERVICE_NAME / TEST_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME: You will need to cf push the "fake broker" in tests/ dir with the name async-broker, and do create-service-broker pointing to the pushed app's route and using admin/admin as creds ... then get the service name and plan name from the cf marketplace or hitting /v2/catalog on the broker app


CF_API_URL=https://your.cf.env \
CF_USER=admin \
CF_PASSWORD=<secret> \
TEST_DOMAIN_NAME=autom8.dev.cloudpipeline.digital \
TF_ACC=1 \
TEST_SERVICE_NAME=fake-service-ecf60c6f-b2ba-4ecf-9e4a-35683929f6b0 \
TEST_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME=fake-async-plan \
go test -v -timeout 120m -gcflags="-e" ./cloudfoundryv3