
Bootstrap a VPC with BOSH and Concourse to run PaaS

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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GOV.UK Platform as a Service (PaaS) Bootstrap creates the foundations upon which the paas-cf repository can deploy Cloud Foundry and the rest of the GOV.UK PaaS system components. The foundational components created by the bootstrap include:

  • Bosh for provisioning and managing the virtual machines on which Concourse and Cloud Foundry will run.
  • Concourse for continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines. The CloudFoundry deployment pipelines will run here.
  • AWS VPC for isolating the AWS resources created by paas-bootstrap and paas-cf.
  • AWS RDS databases for storing the state of Bosh and Concourse
  • Load balancers and TLS certificates
  • Load balancers and TLS certificates for providing secure ingress to Bosh and Concourse

It does not include the AWS IAM roles which are assumed by different system components. Those are created in the account-wide terraform (private repository).

How does the bootstrap work?

paas-bootstrap is designed to solve the bootstrap problem. In our context: how do you deploy the software needed to deploy the rest of the system?

paas-bootstrap solves this by deploying a minimal version of Concourse ("Concourse Lite") onto an AWS EC2 instance in the default AWS VPC, using Hashicorp Vagrant and the vagrant-aws plugin, and is granted permission to create further AWS resources by the concourse-lite instance profile it assumes.

The create-bosh-concourse pipeline can be run on from Concourse Lite, which will create the persistent AWS resources, and configure the software running on top of them.

The persistent resources created will include a production configuration of Concourse, with the create-bosh-concourse pipeline.

Deploying a new environment

paas-bootstrap can build the foundations for two types of environments:

  • Cloud Foundry
  • Build environments (for example, Docker containers or bosh releases)

The full bootstrap process below is only needed the first time an environment is deployed.

These instructions contain placeholders where the exact command may vary. This table explains the purpose of those placeholders

Placeholder Purpose
$ACCOUNT The AWS account being targeted (for example, dev, staging)

The name of the environment being targeted. In the case of short-lived development environments, this should have a value of dev, and the specific environment is set by the DEPLOY_ENV environment variable (max 8 chars).

Do not use the same DEPLOY_ENV value for both types of bootstraps, because that will cause resource allocation conflicts and things will break


  • Make
  • jq
  • Access to paas-credentials (private repository) and tools installed
  • Connection to the GDS VPN
  • Permission to assume the Admin role of the relevant AWS account (dev, CI, staging, production)
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment set to the desired region for the environment
  • Github OAuth application credentials. If you're deploying a production/staging/shared dev environment (for example, dev01, dev02), the app should belong to the alphagov organisation, and the credentials should be added to paas-credentials
    If you're deploying a short-lived environment (for example, for penetration testing) the credentials can be associated with your GitHub account. You can put them in your personal password store, and set the path to it using the GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR environment variable. If you are setting up Github OAuth for your dev pipeline the callback url to use is https://deployer.${DEPLOY_ENV}.dev.cloudpipeline.digital/sky/issuer/callback

Deploying the bootstrap for Cloud Foundry

  1. Clone paas-bootstrap at the tip of the main branch

  2. Launch Concourse Lite.

    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV deployer-concourse bootstrap
  3. Log in to Concourse List at using the credentials shown in the output from step 2

  4. Run the create-bosh-concourse pipeline

  5. When the pipeline reaches the check-for-secrets job, it will pause for up to an hour (checking every 10 seconds) to allow secrets to be uploaded:

    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV upload-all-secrets

    Note: if you're deploying a short-lived environment (for example, for penetration testing), the GitHub OAuth credentials will need to come from your personal pass store, and the path to it will be given by the GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR env var

    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV upload-all-secrets GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/path/to/store
  6. Wait for the pipeline to finish (this could take up to a couple of hours)

  7. The persistent Concourse is now created, and Concourse Lite can be killed by running the self-terminate pipeline.

  8. In the Google API Console, add the following URIs as authorised redirect URIs to the relevant OAuth 2.0 client configurations. This must be done manually and cannot be automated. It is required for Google authentication.

    The value of the $SYSTEM_DOMAIN placeholder here can be found under the SYSTEM_DNS_ZONE_NAME variable in the Makefile

    Note: all development environments fall under the "dev" name

    OAuth 2.0 Client Config URI
    GOV.UK PaaS Operator - $ENV https://login.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN/login/callback/admin-google
    GOV.UK PaaS Operator - $ENV https://uaa.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN/login/callback/admin-google
    GOV.UK PaaS Operator - $ENV https://bosh-external.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN:8443/login/callback/admin-google
    GOV.UK PaaS Operator - $ENV https://bosh-uaa-external.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN:8443/login/callback/admin-google
    GOV.UK PaaS - PaaS Admin $ENV https://admin.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN/my-account/use-google-sso/callback
    GOV.UK PaaS $ENV Operator Grafana https://grafana-1.$SYSTEM_DOMAIN

Deploying the bootstrap for build environments

  1. Clone paas-bootstrap at the tip of the main branch
  2. Launch Concourse Lite.
    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV build-concourse bootstrap
  3. Log in to Concourse List at using the credentials shown in the output from step 2
  4. Run the create-bosh-concourse pipeline
  5. When the pipeline reaches the check-for-secrets job, it will pause for up to an hour (checking every 10 seconds) to allow secrets to be uploaded:
    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV upload-all-secrets
    Note: if you're deploying a short-lived environment (for example, for penetration testing), the GitHub OAuth credentials will need to come from your personal pass store, and the path to it will be given by the GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR env var
    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV upload-all-secrets GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/path/to/store
  6. Wait for the pipeline to finish (this could take up to a couple of hours)
  7. The persistent Concourse is now created, and Concourse Lite can be killed by running the self-terminate pipeline.

Accessing a deployed bootstrap

Once deployed, Concourse can be accessed from the URLs below. By default, authentication with GitHub is enabled.

Environment type Environment name URL
Dev Unique name https://deployer.$NAME.dev.cloudpipeline.digital/
Dev Dev[0-9]+ https://deployer.dev$NUMBER.dev.cloudpipeline.digital/
Staging stg-lon https://deployer.london.staging.cloudpipeline.digital/
CI build https://concourse.build.ci.cloudpipeline.digital/
Production prod https://deployer.cloud.service.gov.uk/
Production prod-lon https://deployer.london.cloud.service.gov.uk/

Non-development URLs are also accessible using the gds paas open command.

Configuration options

paas-bootstrap has many configuration options exposed through the environment variables. Some useful ones are documented below. For the complete set, see the Makefile.

Variable Purpose Default value
DEPLOY_ENV Development environments only, excluding dev01, dev02 etc. Sets the name of the environment Set per environment
GITHUB_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR Sets the path to a pass store where Github credentials can be found. Used in make upload-github-oauth ~/.paas-pass
GOOGLE_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR Sets the path to a pass store where Google credentials can be found. Used in make upload-google-oauth ~/.paas-pass
ENABLE_GITHUB Enables Github authentication for Concourse true