
Start page - copy edits

Opened this issue · 10 comments

Does the 'check if you need a permit' functionality only allow checking of entitlement for residents and visitors permits? Would be good to understand constrains for why other types of permits cannot be checked for.

Hi @joanneSouthern it's to do with checking that the user's entered address can be checked against eligible addresses for resident's and visitors permits as opposed to residents, visitors and trade and business.

we don't off a trade or business permits
we check the address is in a parking zone in Northumberland
we only allow the permit to be used in the permit zone that they applied for, it might not 24 hours 7 days a week, the zones have their own restrictions depending on what was agreed at consultation when the zone was created, most are around schools so the restrictions are school drop offs and pick ups, or around a high street so its business opening hours, we don't have any 24 hr 7 day a week schemes
The business lead felt the need to tell people how much the permit was right from the start so they knew what it was going to cost them - this came out in our UR as well

Lizzie's comments:
Start page - general copy differs from prototype

Start page - Costs deviation - ok to show here if all permits cost the same but could be worded more concisely and clearly.

@lizziebruce are you able to recommend how this could be worded?

Park your car or vehicle

You may need a parking permit to park your car or vehicle in some areas of Northumberland. For example, a resident’s parking permit or a visitor’s parking permit.

A permit allows you to park in a particular area, during restricted hours. Times will vary depending on area.

Resident’s parking permits cost £15. If you’re a Blue Badge holder you also need a permit – but you won’t be charged for it. You’ll need to enter your badge number during this application.

[Check if you need a permit]

If you need assistance using this online service, contact us.

@joanneSouthern @EUzkuraityte copy suggestion above. Joanne, does the visitor permit also cost £15? There's still a choice for applicants between resident and visitor permit as far as I can see.

yes visitor is also £15
only difference between a visitor one and a residential is that you need to provide proof of car ownership to get residential one

@joanneSouthern thanks Joanne, in that case the copy suggestion above is what I'd recommend.

done in test