
Broken link reporter test

Closed this issue · 1 comments

There is a link reporter test that is intermittently failing on PRs completely unrelated to the code being tested. As this is blocking merges and deploys we will be commenting it out pending a solution. The pattern seems to be fails repeatedly for a few days followed by a few days of it passing. Will link to this issue when disabling the test.

Error: LinkReporterCsvServiceTest#test_populates_the_CSV_with_details_about_the_broken_links_per_edition: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/l_redesign-historic-appointments/tmp/broken_link_reports/hm-revenue-customs_links_report.csv test/unit/services/link_reporter_csv_service_test.rb:59:in block in class:LinkReporterCsvServiceTest'

rails test test/unit/services/link_reporter_csv_service_test.rb:36`

Example fail:

We believe this was due to a race condition introduced by the tests running in parallel and hopefully fixed in #6282 so I'm going to close the issue.