- 1
Links in component guide are broken
#8728 opened by andysellick - 2
- 1
- 1
Irish language two-letter code should be ga not gd
#9225 opened by nacnudus - 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 1
Organisation custom logo field hidden
#3525 opened by chrisroos - 1
Investigate Psych::BadAlias: Unknown alias: nested_attachment_field_names
#3684 opened by andrewgarner - 2
Strip trailing whitespace from URL inputs
#3724 opened by fofr - 1
Historic appointments could be consolidated further
#6265 opened by maxgds - 1
Running tests results 404 API error
#6274 opened by chris-gds - 3
Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF) - individual tests
#6275 opened by chris-gds - 1
Missing Local data - images
#6270 opened by chris-gds - 3
Missing local data - World Locations
#6276 opened by chris-gds - 1
Page failing to render locally - Announcements
#6277 opened by chris-gds - 1
Announcements page - content
#6306 opened by chris-gds - 1
Search input renders native styling in iOS
#3340 opened by dashouse - 8
"More" link in top navigation can't be accessed without JS
#3406 opened by fofr - 0
- 0
- 0
Lack of checking for duplicate titles/URLs
#8898 opened by sengi - 0
- 0
Topical Events logos cannot be SVGs
#8784 opened by KludgeKML - 5
Add View Components
#6954 opened by davidgisbey - 5
Prevent ministers and officials from hiding substantial policy paper changes as minor
#6689 opened by cbeuw - 2
- 0
- 1
Remove commit - Content for "theresa-may" missing
#6266 opened by chris-gds - 1
Consider replacing IDs with data-* attributes
#6320 opened by chris-gds - 1
Broken link reporter test
#6279 opened by maxgds - 0
Whitehall stores historical link check reports
#6011 opened by ChrisBAshton - 2
Can't upgrade to newer govuk_publishing_components
#4724 opened by kevindew - 3
Long URls don't wrap - causes layout issues on mobil
#5596 opened by edent - 1
Document thumbnails containing images with empty alt tags cause accessibility issues.
#5896 opened by edwardhorsford - 1
Statistics finder - Filters not persistent across tabs
#3526 opened by dashouse - 3
- 1
- 0
- 2
XML files display odd behaviour
#4266 opened by edent - 3
- 0
ActionView::Template::Error when asset legacy_url_path includes non-ascii characters
#3728 opened by chrislo - 0
Guidance on ODF should go to GOV.UK page
#3962 opened by edent - 1
- 1
- 4
No.10 page should not require / use Adobe Flash
#3632 opened by edwardhorsford - 0
- 0
- 1
Rail Accident Investigation Branch "Independent Reports" don't appear in generic announcements.atom feed
#3407 opened by Muzer