
A simple RESTful server for converting documents using pandoc

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pandoc API

A simple RESTful server for converting documents using pandoc


pandoc is required for converting documents

# apt-get install pandoc
yarn add pandoc-api


Start a server in command-line:

yarn start

Get command line help

yarn --help
pandoc-api, a simple RESTful server for converting documents
  please visit https://github.com/alphakevin/pandoc-api

usage: pandoc-api <command> <options>

  start [<hostname>[:<port>]]  start the server, default to localhost:4000
  help converter             get converter help

  -h, --help                 print this help message

Use in your application

import expores from 'express';
import pandoc from 'pandoc-api';

const app = express();
app.use('/pandoc', pandoc());
// ... your own express routes


The server provides a similar interface like pandoc, you can simply remove -- or - and use / instead of white-space between the arguments, all after /api/convert.

POST /api/convert/from/<input-format>/to/<output-format> HTTP/1.1

You can upload file by either of the following method:

  • multipart/form-data upload with a file field of the file to be converted.
  • RAW upload a file in HTTP body with Content-Type and Content-Disposition header provided.

If the /output/<value> option is provided, the Content-Disposition header will contain the new filename.

The converted document will be directly output from the HTTP response body.

For more converting options, please visit https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html

Environment Variables

Name Description
HOSTNAME For server listening hostname
PORT For server listening port


Visit, or get help in command-line:

yarn cli help converter

Here we use cURL for examples.

Uploading with multipart/form-data

$ curl -F file=@example.docx > result.html

Uploading RAW Binary Data

$ curl -X POST \
  -T "example.docx" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" \
  -H "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="example.docx"" \ > result.html

Converting Options

  /e, /export/<value>     set export filter options
  /f, /format/<value>     specify the output format
  /F, /field/<value>      replace user-defined text field with value
  /i, /import/<value>     set import filter option string
  /o, /output/<value>     output basename, filename or directory
      /password/<value>   provide a password to decrypt the document

Run as Docker Container

pandoc-api can start from docker without source code or npm installed:

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 --name=pandoc --restart=always alphakevin/pandoc-api


  • This is a simple http server and supposed to run as inner micro-service, so it does not include any authorization method. Please take your own risk to deploy it publicly.
  • Document formats and options are not fully tested, it just pass them to pandoc.
