CANZERO core driver for STM32F042

This repository contains all the source code for the STM32F042 ARM Cortex MCU on the CANZERO, which acts as a CAN bus driver.


driver contains the code for the STM32F0 CAN bus driver.


Compilation relies on the the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain and make.

The approach is derived from the one described by Geoffrey Brown, of University of Indiana

Compiling the firmware requires the very small subset of CMSIS libraries that come with stm32 standard peripheral library. The code itself does not use standard peripheral library but relies on direct programming of STM32F0 registers.

To compile the code, you will need to edit the LIBROOT variable in the Makefile to point to the location of your copy of the standard peripheral library.


This code is licensed under the MIT licence, as described in the LICENSE file.