The app configuration file should be a valid javascript file defining a single
object containing the properties that you need to modify.
Example public/config/config.js
var config = {
developmentPort: 3443,
productionPort: 443
An example configuration file with all properties set to default values can be found here: config.example.js.
Name | Description | Format | Default value |
loginEnabled | If the login is enabled. | "boolean" |
false |
developmentPort | The development server listening port. | "port" |
3443 |
productionPort | The production server listening port. | "port" |
8443 |
serverHostname | If the server component runs on a different host than the app you can specify the host name. | "string" |
"" |
resolution | The default video camera capture resolution. | [ "low", "medium", "high", "veryhigh", "ultra"] |
"medium" |
frameRate | The default video camera capture framerate. | "nat" |
15 |
screenResolution | The default screen sharing resolution. | [ "low", "medium", "high", "veryhigh", "ultra"] |
"veryhigh" |
screenSharingFrameRate | The default screen sharing framerate. | "nat" |
5 |
simulcast | Enable or disable simulcast for webcam video. | "boolean" |
true |
simulcastSharing | Enable or disable simulcast for screen sharing video. | "boolean" |
false |
simulcastProfiles | Define different encodings for various resolutions of the video. | "object" |
{ "320": [ { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 1, "maxBitRate": 150000 } ], "640": [ { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 2, "maxBitRate": 150000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 1, "maxBitRate": 500000 } ], "1280": [ { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 4, "maxBitRate": 150000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 2, "maxBitRate": 500000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 1, "maxBitRate": 1200000 } ], "1920": [ { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 6, "maxBitRate": 150000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 3, "maxBitRate": 500000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 1, "maxBitRate": 3500000 } ], "3840": [ { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 12, "maxBitRate": 150000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 6, "maxBitRate": 500000 }, { "scaleResolutionDownBy": 1, "maxBitRate": 10000000 } ]} |
localRecordingEnabled | If set to true Local Recording feature will be enabled. | "boolean" |
false |
requestTimeout | The request timeout. | "nat" |
20000 |
requestRetries | The request maximum retries. | "nat" |
3 |
autoGainControl | Auto gain control enabled. | "boolean" |
true |
echoCancellation | Echo cancellation enabled. | "boolean" |
true |
noiseSuppression | Noise suppression enabled. | "boolean" |
true |
voiceActivatedUnmute | Automatically unmute speaking above noiseThreshold. | "boolean" |
false |
noiseThreshold | This is only for voiceActivatedUnmute and audio-indicator. | "int" |
-60 |
sampleRate | The audio sample rate. | [ 8000, 16000, 24000, 44100, 48000] |
48000 |
channelCount | The audio channels count. | [ 1, 2] |
1 |
sampleSize | The audio sample size count. | [ 8, 16, 24, 32] |
16 |
opusStereo | If OPUS FEC stereo be enabled. | "boolean" |
false |
opusDtx | If OPUS DTX should be enabled. | "boolean" |
true |
opusFec | If OPUS FEC should be enabled. | "boolean" |
true |
opusPtime | The OPUS packet time. | [ 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] |
20 |
opusMaxPlaybackRate | The OPUS playback rate. | [ 8000, 16000, 24000, 44100, 48000] |
48000 |
audioPreset | The audio preset | "string" |
"conference" |
audioPresets | The audio presets. | "object" |
{ "conference": { "name": "Conference audio", "autoGainControl": true, "echoCancellation": true, "noiseSuppression": true, "voiceActivatedUnmute": false, "noiseThreshold": -60, "sampleRate": 48000, "channelCount": 1, "sampleSize": 16, "opusStereo": false, "opusDtx": true, "opusFec": true, "opusPtime": 20, "opusMaxPlaybackRate": 48000 }, "hifi": { "name": "HiFi streaming", "autoGainControl": false, "echoCancellation": false, "noiseSuppression": false, "voiceActivatedUnmute": false, "noiseThreshold": -60, "sampleRate": 48000, "channelCount": 2, "sampleSize": 16, "opusStereo": true, "opusDtx": false, "opusFec": true, "opusPtime": 60, "opusMaxPlaybackRate": 48000 }} |
autoMuteThreshold | It sets the maximum number of participants in one room that can join unmuted. The next participant will join automatically muted. Set it to 0 to auto mute all. Set it to negative (-1) to never automatically auto mute but use it with caution, full mesh audio strongly decrease room capacity! | "nat" |
4 |
background | The page background image URL | "string" |
"images/background.jpg" |
defaultLayout | The default layout. | [ "democratic", "filmstrip"] |
"democratic" |
buttonControlBar | If true, the media control buttons will be shown in separate control bar, not in the ME container. | "boolean" |
false |
drawerOverlayed | If false, will push videos away to make room for side drawer. If true, will overlay side drawer over videos. | "boolean" |
true |
notificationPosition | The position of the notifications. | [ "left", "right"] |
"right" |
logo | If not null, it shows the logo loaded from the specified URL, otherwise it shows the title. | "url" |
"images/logo.edumeet.svg" |
title | The title to show if the logo is not specified. | "string" |
"edumeet" |
supportUrl | The service & Support URL; if null , it will be not displayed on the about dialogs. |
"url" |
"" |
privacyUrl | The privacy and data protection external URL or local HTML path. | "string" |
"privacy/privacy.html" |