- Java 8
- Docker
Run Mongo DB on port 2777:
docker run --rm --name mongodb -p 27777:27017 -e MONGODB_USERNAME=my_user -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=password123 -e MONGODB_DATABASE=my_database bitnami/mongodb:latest
## OR
docker run --rm --name mongodb -p 27777:27017 bitnami/mongodb:latest
If you need to mount a directory to the container just add a -v
parameter. If you need to change the working directory, add a -w
Example: Map the current working directory to a directory at /dump in the docker container.
docker run --rm --name mongodb -p 27777:27017 -v $PWD:/dump bitnami/mongodb:latest
Command explained
-t : Allocate a pseudo-tty
-i : Keep STDIN open even if not attached
-v, --volume=[host-src:]container-dest[:<options>]: Bind mount a volume.
-w="" : Working directory inside the container
Drop into Mongo DB containers bash instance when it's running. Create an other terminal and run:
docker exec -it mongodb bash
Once in bash, you can run migration scripts.
./gradlew bootRun