Parse SEC EDGAR HTML documents into a tree of elements that correspond to the visual (semantic) structure of the document.
- agentcoopsNew York, NY
- alphanome@alphanome-ai
- ashirviskasSyntropynet
- Bigbear7779
- Company2255
- Elijas@alphanome-ai
- EugenioRJ
- FariaAupee
- FoxicutionAVAYL
- harrybpm
- henry-zengMicrosoft
- hyp530Singapore
- ilyasubkhankulovSan Francisco, CA
- INF800@alphanome-ai
- infovlad
- KakkoAkiAlphanome.AI
- kanwalpreet18
- kausmeows@Wendor-in
- kunaldethe1
- leandronowras
- Muladi-ProgIndonesia
- mylonasc
- mzkk000
- navinelahi
- nnilayyIndia, Jaipur
- PravalikaRaoPoladi
- r-4v
- Raymondangsetya
- Sajjad-Hossain-Talukder@Silicon-Orchard
- shirdeyguangzhou china
- siewcodeMalaysia
- tamtemtommUniversitas Airlangga
- tvsharish
- x512Aus
- zaibacuOvoko
- zanjabil2502Ajari Technologies