
Here are the steps to install the alpha-omega-parent library with Java 21 and Maven wrapper:

  1. Ensure Java 21 is installed:

    • Open Terminal.
    • Check the Java version by running java -version. If Java 21 is installed, it should display something like java version "21".
    • If Java 21 is not installed, you will need to download and install it from the official Oracle website or use a version manager like sdkman or jenv.
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    • In Terminal, navigate to the project directory using the cd command. For example, cd path/to/alpha-omega-parent.
  3. Use the Maven Wrapper to install the library:

    • In the project directory, run the Maven Wrapper command to install the library: ./mvnw clean install.

Please note that the Maven Wrapper must be configured for your project. If it's not, you can add it by running mvn wrapper:wrapper from the project directory. This command requires that Maven is installed on your system. If it's not, you can download it from the official Apache Maven website.

Remember to replace path/to/alpha-omega-parent with the actual path to your alpha-omega-parent project directory.