
Aliyun oss signature direct transmission. 阿里云服务端签名直传OSS扩展包.

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AliYun OSS AppServer


Upload data to OSS through Web applications. Add signatures on the server, configure upload callback, and directly transfer data.

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composer require alphasnow/aliyun-oss-appserver


Modify the environment file .env

OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Your aliyun accessKeyId, Required, Example: LT************Hz>
OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<Your aliyun accessKeySecret, Required, Example: Q5**************************PD>
OSS_BUCKET=<Your oss bucket name, Required, Example: x-storage>
OSS_ENDPOINT=<Your oss endpoint domain, Required, Example: oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com>
OSS_SSL=<Whether to use ssl, Optional, Example: true>
OSS_DOMAIN=<Domain name addresses, Optional, Example: x-storage.domain.com>
OSS_CALLBACK_URL=<Default callback address, Optional, Example: https://api.domain.com/callback>
OSS_POLICY_MAX_SIZE=<Default maximum file size 1GB, Optional, Example: 1048576000>
OSS_POLICY_EXPIRE_TIME=<Default expiration time 1 hour, Optional, Example: 3600>
OSS_POLICY_USER_DIR=<Default Upload Directory upload/, Optional, Example: upload/>

(Optional) Modify the config file config/oss-appserver.php

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=AlphaSnow\OSS\AppServer\Laravel\ServiceProvider


OSS configuration

  • CORS configuration / Create rule / Example: Soucre: *, Allow Methods: POST

Laravel server

Add route routes/api.php, Use the default controller.

Route::get("app-server/oss-token", "\AlphaSnow\OSS\AppServer\Laravel\ServerController@token");
Route::post("app-server/oss-callback", "\AlphaSnow\OSS\AppServer\Laravel\ServerController@callback");

Web client

  1. Download https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/object-storage-service/latest/add-signatures-on-the-client-by-using-javascript-and-upload-data-to-oss#title-l7m-nho-uap
  2. Find line 30 of upload.js and change it to the actual server address, example: http://laravel.local
    // serverUrl = ""
    serverUrl = "http://laravel.local/api/app-server/oss-token"


Example of single-file services with clients

Dynamic configuration

use AlphaSnow\OSS\AppServer\Factory;

$token = (new Factory($config))->makeToken();

// Change the address of the direct transmission server

// Change the upload directory/timeout period to 60 seconds/maximum file limit to 500 MB

// Change the callback address/callback body/callback header

Ali document
