Android CountDown Timer
A simple countdown timer identical to android.os.CountDownTimer but with simplified usage and additional functionality to pause,resume and run in background.
- Easy to use.
- Dynamic delays.
- Allows pause/resume/stop/restart.
- Allows instant switch & run on background thread.
- Allows timer pattern formatting.
- Versions available for both Java & Kotlin.
- Android only (Doesn't rely to work on any 3rd party library).
- Its not a fixed dependency to be included in your project to increase redundancy.
- Its flexible to be converted in any library/SDK or modular form as per your requirement.
- Modifications/Enhancements can be made as required.
- Highly decoupled,optimized and clean code.
- No Obfuscation Required (Proguard/Dexguard).
- Complete Documentation.
- It would be a part of your project while not implying any 3rd-party involvement.
How to use ?
Just clone the project in Android Studio and run it.
For details read more on medium.