Hi there, I'm Alex 👋

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Hello, I'm a 35 y.o. developer with experience in iOS and Golang development. I currently work at Heads and Hands.

👨‍💻 I'm passionate about creating robust and scalable backend APIs using Go and exploring new technologies to build better applications. Currently, I've been diving into the world of containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes.

🌱 In my free time, I enjoy learning about different programming languages and software development concepts to improve my skills. Recently, I have been focusing on sharpening my knowledge of Go and cloud-native technologies for building microservices.

🐾 When I'm not coding, I enjoy taking care of my pets and spending time with my family. Or at least, that's what I'm supposed to do. In reality, I spend most of my free time tweaking my Neovim configuration. Who needs a social life when you have a perfectly configured Vim editor, right?

💬 Feel free to ask me any questions related to Swift, Objective-C, Golang development, or Neovim editor configuration and usage, and I'll be happy to help out.
