Bitrise to Redmine webhook

Go Report Card

This app automatically move all issues marked as "Ready to build" to "Done" section after internal build completed. A build number printed in the specified custom field.


Following ENV items are required to run :

  • REDMINE_API_KEY: access token for a Redmine bot user
  • REDMINE_HOST: Redmine installation host address
  • STAMP_BUILD_CUSTOM_FIELD: Redmine ID of a build number issue custom field
  • STAMP_DONE_STATUS: Redmine ID of a done status
  • STAMP_READY_TO_BUILD_STATUS: Redmine ID of a "Ready to the build" status

For Mailgun integration you should add following items:

  • MAILGUN_API: API key for Mailgun service
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN: domain address
  • MAILGUN_RECIPIENT: a recipient for emails
  • MAILGUN_SENDER: a sender for emails

Bitrise configuration

  • Add a new Outgoing Webhooks in the Bitrise Code tab.
  • Specify /bitrise/v2 as an URL
  • Set "REDMINE_PROJECT" header with Redmine project id