
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ops is the command line client for the Long Operations service (opsd).

To install using HomeBrew, run the following command:

$ brew install alphauslabs/tap/ops

To setup authentication, set your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable using your credentials file. You also need to give your credentials file access to the opsd-[next|prod] service. To do so, try the following commands:

# Install the `iam` tool:
$ brew install alphauslabs/tap/iam

# Validate `iam` credentials:
$ iam whoami

# Request access to our `opsd-[next|prod]` service (once only):
$ iam allow-me opsd-prod

Explore more available subcommands and flags though:

$ ops -h
# or
$ ops <subcmd> -h