
A PEP 503-compliant Python package index specifically providing wheels built for Alpine Linux

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This is a PEP 503-compliant Python package index specifically providing wheels built for Alpine Linux.

If you want to use python:alpine Docker containers but you donʼt want to build Python packages yourself, you may find this index useful.

Usage examples


$ pip install --extra-index-url https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index pandas

Pip with a requirements file

# contents of requirements.txt

--extra-index-url https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


# add this to the top of requirements.in

--extra-index-url https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index
$ pip-compile


# add this section to pyproject.toml

name = "alpine-wheels"
url = "https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index"
$ poetry add pandas


# add this section to Pipfile

name = "alpine-wheels"
url = "https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index"
verify_ssl = true
$ pipenv install pandas

Tools that require /simple

Some tools require a simple index URL to end with /simple. For this case, the index content is also available at https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index/-/simple.

  • Sonatype Nexus 1 2


Is there a package you need that is missing from the index? Open an issue to suggest it. We only support packages that are available on PyPI but do not already have a wheel that is compatible with Alpine Linux.

To add a new package, do not fork this repository directly; make a new repository for the individual package using https://github.com/alpine-wheels/_template.