
Alpine Lab website and blog

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Alpine Lab website and blog

Codeship Status for alpinelab/website

This is the source code only.

For the compiled, static, hosted on github:pages site, see the gh-pages branch.

The website/blog itself is available at www.alpine-lab.com.

Powered by Middleman in our Docker image for Ruby development. Precompiles Haml, Sass, CoffeeScript and Markdown.

Run docker-sync start once prior to any other command if you're on Macintosh 🍎


To configure LocaleApp, type the following command:

docker-compose run app localeapp install --standalone --write-env-file <APIKEY>


To run the development server, run:

docker-compose up

Update localized content from LocaleApp using:

docker-compose run app localeapp pull


Although deployment is done automatically from Codeship for every commit pushed to master, you can also publish manually from your computer:

docker-compose run -v ~/.ssh:/etc/skel/.ssh -v ~/.gitconfig:/etc/skel/.gitconfig app ./deploy.sh

Wanna join us?

Simply create a PR here that adds you as a team member!


Written by Michael Baudino and Sylvain Fertons for Alpine Lab, 2013. Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.md file).