
An alarm clock is done with RTC in STM32F103R6 board. It is simulated in proteus.

Primary LanguageC


An alarm clock is done with RTC in STM32F103R6 board. It is simulated in proteus.

In this assignment you are expected to implement an alarm clock using RTC module of STM32Fxxx.

Implementation requirements: • Your project should show both alarm time and current time on 6 7 segment LCDs (you may prefer regular LEDs on physical boards). Switching operation between the two modes should be triggered via a switch whose state is monitored with an external interrupt. • Hour, minute and second information of alarm time should be changeable using external buttons (2xbuttons (up, down) for each). Again, the status of these buttons should be monitored via external interrupts. • The alarm output should be demonstrated using an LED or a buzzer.

The Video for code explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn2qKkJZhIY