
ClassBasedAppriori is an complex association mining algorithm created as ad-hoc development* for the company ELİAR Elektronik San. A.Ş., Automation Solutions for Textile and Glass Batch Industries.

ad-hoc development: creating software without any formal guidelines or processes

Possible Uses

  • It is possible to mine associations in data with univariate and mutivariate classes.
  • It is possible to mine associations in continuous data by discretizing it.
  • It is possible to mine associations with preselected conditions for root cause analysis.


  • ClassBasedApriori scans the dataset only twice thanks to divide and conquer search method, where Apriori scans multiple times using breadth-first search method.
  • ClassBasedApriori finds all possible associations and can run an intelligent algorithm on the associations for data mining.
  • ClassBasedApriori allows user to draw associations within and between different classes.
  • ClassBasedApriori allows user to find associations with certain conditions in a supervised manner.


  • Since the computational power requirement increases exponentially with the size of the data, it is difficult to work with a large database.
  • It processes all necessary or unnecessary information, there is no supervision over the information to be processed.

Possible Improvements

  • On-demand data mining, disabling the brute-force approach
  • Apply parallel processing to improve performance
  • Interactive plotting to enable exploratory data analysis
  • Option to dynamically change support, confidence and lift thresholds while plotting
  • Intelligent relative association detection
  • Intelligent association filtering





