
Data and code for Velocity NY 2013 talk

Alerting: More Signal, Less Noise, Less Pain

This is the code and data supporting my presentation at Velocity NY 2013.

General flow

  1. Turn your PagerDuty flow into a csv
  2. Load the csv into a SQL database (here, postgres)
  3. Massage the data for easier feature extraction
  4. Visualize the data (here, in R)

What I used for the presentation

  • alerts.csv` the anonymized version of a production alert stream
  • PostgreSQL to run most queries
  • R for visualization (the excellent ggplot2)

Replicating the analyses on your own data

Get data out of PagerDuty

  1. Install pygerduty with pip install pygerduty.
  2. Create a read-only API token in your PagerDuty account.
  3. Run the following script (called pdcsv.py for instance)
import pygerduty
from datetime import datetime
import sys 

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write("Usage: csvpd.py subdomain api_token\n")

pd = pygerduty.PagerDuty(subdomain=sys.argv[1], api_token=sys.argv[2])
incidents = pd.incidents.list()

# postgresql schema
# id serial primary key,
# ts timestamp not null, -- hourly timestamp
# src text not null,     -- src == PagerDuty
# typ varchar not null,  -- error, success, warning
# pd_id text not null,  -- external identifier
# name text not null, -- alert name
# service text not null -- service name

for i in range(len(incidents)):
    incident = incidents[i]
        desc = incident.trigger_summary_data.description.replace(',', ''),
        desc = ""

Load the data into PostgreSQL

python pdcsv.py my-subdomain my-api-token > alerts.csv
psql < setup-db.sql

Then run psql:

\copy alerts from 'alerts.csv' format csv;