

export async function recommend (polygon, points, { threshold, scaleFactor, kmeansOptions, hullOptions }) {
  const ptsWithin = turf.pointsWithinPolygon(points, polygon)

  // Filter by score
  const filtered = ptsWithin.features.filter(feature => >= threshold)

  if (filtered.length) {
    // Cluster K-means
    const clustered = turf.clustersKmeans(turf.featureCollection(filtered), kmeansOptions)

    // Concave hull from each cluster
    const villages = turf.clusterReduce(clustered, 'cluster', (previousValue, cluster) => {
      const hull = turf.concave(cluster, hullOptions)
      // scale down the polygon (raster buffer to prevent overlapping villages)
      return hull ? previousValue.concat([turf.transformScale(hull, scaleFactor)]) : previousValue
    }, [])

    return turf.featureCollection(villages)

  return turf.featureCollection([])

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yarn install

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yarn run serve

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yarn run build

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yarn run test

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yarn run lint

Run your unit tests

yarn run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.