Deployer module for ceph-mgr
Really you shouldn't use that at all. Just an experiment to learn about ceph-mgr module development. It also requires to run ceph-mgr daemons as root
Deps: python-remoto
- Scan your host
- Tag the OSDs you want to deploy with data, the WAL and DB devices with wal and db
- When running prepare we automatically distribute WAL and DB devices amongst data tagged OSDs
The neat thing is that tagging accepts ranges (i.e. sd[a:z]) or just a single device
Too many to list.
[root@cephdev ~]# ceph deployer -h | tail -n 7
Monitor commands:
deployer activate <host> {<int>} Activate <concurrency> times prepared OSDs at a time
deployer prepare <host> Prepare tagged OSDs
deployer scan <host> Scans and save the host drives
deployer status Display status of deployment
deployer tag <host> <devices> data|db|wal Tag OSDs for deployment
[root@cephdev ~]# ceph deployer scan cephdev2
{'sdd': {'rotational': '1', 'vendor': 'ATA', 'size_byte': 54811164672, 'used': 'N/A', 'model': 'VBOX HARDDISK', 'ceph_used': 'N/A'}, 'sda': {'rotational': '1', 'vendor': 'ATA', 'size_byte': 10737418240, 'used': 'N/A', 'model': 'VBOX HARDDISK', 'ceph_used': 'N/A'}, 'sdb': {'rotational': '0', 'vendor': 'ATA', 'size_byte': 53687091200, 'used': 'N/A', 'model': 'VBOX HARDDISK', 'ceph_used': 'N/A'}, 'sdc': {'rotational': '1', 'vendor': 'ATA', 'size_byte': 53687091200, 'used': 'N/A', 'model': 'VBOX HARDDISK', 'ceph_used': 'N/A'}}
[root@cephdev ~]# ceph deployer tag cephdev2 sd[b:d] data
{'cephdev2': {'sdd': {'status': 'tagged', 'type': 'data'}, 'sdb': {'status': 'tagged', 'type': 'data'}, 'sdc': {'status': 'tagged', 'type': 'data'}}}
[root@cephdev ~]# ceph deployer prepare cephdev2
Run ceph deployer status for errors (not implemented)
[root@cephdev ~]# ceph osd stat
3 osds: 0 up, 0 in; epoch: e18
[root@cephdev ~]# ssh cephdev2 lsblk
sda 8:0 0 10G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 9G 0 part
├─centos_cephdev2-root 253:0 0 8G 0 lvm /
└─centos_cephdev2-swap 253:1 0 1G 0 lvm [SWAP]
sdb 8:16 0 50G 0 disk
└─ceph--19bd0228--fc77--4aa4--8018--f5e936b21892-osd--block--9c45f9c0--7ce6--4a2c--893b--d7658d6fdb37 253:3 0 50G 0 lvm
sdc 8:32 0 50G 0 disk
└─ceph--85b9ffa7--01b2--485d--94af--4c5d3db14069-osd--block--c989ece1--d6b6--472f--8f91--0ff5d5f8c09f 253:4 0 50G 0 lvm
sdd 8:48 0 51G 0 disk
└─ceph--da43cae8--d588--466b--a65e--ae36ae7766c2-osd--block--96790c65--55e1--49b4--b757--d1bc608c1eeb 253:2 0 51G 0 lvm