
class of tree

class TreeNode {
  constructor(val, left=undefined, right=undefined) {
    this.val = val
    this.left = left
    this.right = right

how to make a tree

  • node1 = new TreeNode(1)
  • node2 = new TreeNode(10)
  • node0 = new TreeNode(5, node1, node2)
  • node3 = new TreeNode(8)
  • node2.left = node3

function of search

function search(value, tree=undefined) {
  if (tree == undefined) {
    return console.log('not found')
  } else if (tree.val == value) {
    return tree
  } else if (tree.val > value) {
    return search(value, tree.left)
  } else {
    return search(value, tree.right)

how to search

  • search(3)
not found
  • search(6, node0)
not found
  • search(8, nodeUpper)
TreeNode { val: 8, left: undefined, right: undefined }

function of insert

function insert(value, node) {
  if (value < node.val) {
    if (node.left != undefined) {
      return insert(value, node.left)
    } else {
      console.log('success insert ' + value)
      return node.left = new TreeNode(value)
  } else if (value > node.val) {
    if (node.right != undefined) {
      return insert(value, node.right)
    } else {
      console.log('success insert ' + value)
      return node.right = new TreeNode(value)
  } else {
    return console.log('value already in tree')

how to insert

  • insert(5)
  TypeError: Cannot read property 'val' of undefined
    at insert (repl:2:20)
  • insert(5, node0)
value already in tree
  • insert(12, node0)
success insert 12
TreeNode { val: 12, left: undefined, right: undefined }
  • node0
TreeNode {
  val: 5,
  left: TreeNode { val: 1, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode {
    val: 10,
    left: TreeNode { val: 8, left: undefined, right: undefined },
    right: TreeNode { val: 12, left: undefined, right: undefined }

function of delete

function deleteNode(value, node) {
  if (node == undefined) {
    return console.log('value not found')
  } else if (value < node.val) {
    node.left = deleteNode(value, node.left)
    return node
  } else if (value > node.val) {
    node.right = deleteNode(value, node.right)
    return node
  } else if (value == node.val) {
    if (node.left == undefined) {
      return node.right
    } else if (node.right == undefined) {
      return node.left
    } else {
      node.right = liftNode(node.right, node)
      return node
function liftNode(node, nodeToDelete) {
  if (node.left) {
    node.left = liftNode(node.left, nodeToDelete)
    return node
  } else {
    nodeToDelete.val = node.val
    return node.right

how to delete

  • node0
TreeNode {
  val: 5,
  left: TreeNode { val: 1, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode {
    val: 10,
    left: TreeNode { val: 8, left: undefined, right: undefined },
    right: undefined
  • deleteNode(5, node0)
TreeNode {
  val: 8,
  left: TreeNode { val: 1, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode { val: 10, left: undefined, right: undefined }
  • deleteNode(1, node0)
TreeNode {
  val: 8,
  left: undefined,
  right: TreeNode { val: 10, left: undefined, right: undefined }
  • deleteNode(7, node0)
value not found
TreeNode {
  val: 8,
  left: undefined,
  right: TreeNode { val: 10, left: undefined, right: undefined }

function of delete, by me (not done yet)

function deleteNode(value, node) {
  if (node == undefined) {
    return console.log('value not found')
  } else if (value < node.val) {
    return deleteNode(value, node.left)
  } else if (value > node.val) {
    return deleteNode(value, node.right)
  } else if (value == node.val) {
    if (node.left == undefined && node.right == undefined) {
      node.val = undefined
      return console.log('success delete node')
    } else if (node.left == undefined) {
      node.val = node.right.val
      node.left = node.right.left
      node.right = node.right.right
      return console.log('success delete node')
    } else if (node.right == undefined) {
      node.val = node.left.val
      node.left = node.left.left
      node.right = node.left.right
      return console.log('success delete node')
    } else {
      res = liftNode(node.right)
      node.val = res.newVal
      node.right = res.newNode
      return console.log('success delete node')
function liftNode(node) {
  if (node.left) {
    res = liftNode(node.left)
    node.left = res.newNode
    res = {
      newNode: node
    return res
  } else {
    res = {
      newVal: node.val,
      newNode: node.right
    return res

how to delete

  • node0
TreeNode {
  val: 5,
  left: TreeNode { val: 1, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode {
    val: 10,
    left: TreeNode { val: 8, left: undefined, right: undefined },
    right: undefined
  • deleteNode(5, node0)
success delete node
TreeNode {
  val: 8,
  left: TreeNode { val: 1, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode { val: 10, left: undefined, right: undefined }
  • deleteNode(7, node0)
value not found
  • deleteNode(1, node0)
success delete node
  • node0
TreeNode {
  val: 8,
  left: TreeNode { val: undefined, left: undefined, right: undefined },
  right: TreeNode { val: 10, left: undefined, right: undefined }

function of delete in python, from book

def delete(valueToDelete, node):
  # The base case is when we've hit the bottom of the tree,
  # and the parent node has no children:
  if node is None:
    return None
  # If the value we're deleting is less or greater than the current node,
  # we set the left or right child respectively to be
  # the return value of a recursive call of this very method on the current
  # node's left or right subtree.
  elif valueToDelete < node.value:
    node.leftChild = delete(valueToDelete, node.leftChild)
    # We return the current node (and its subtree if existent) to
    # be used as the new value of its parent's left or right child:
    return node
  elif valueToDelete > node.value:
    node.rightChild = delete(valueToDelete, node.rightChild)
    return node

  # If the current node is the one we want to delete:
  elif valueToDelete == node.value:
    # If the current node has no left child, we delete it by
    # returning its right child (and its subtree if existent)
    # to be its parent's new subtree:
    if node.leftChild is None:
      return node.rightChild

    # (If the current node has no left OR right child, this ends up
    # being None as per the first line of code in this function.)
    elif node.rightChild is None:
      return node.leftChild

    # If the current node has two children, we delete the current node
    # by calling the lift function (below), which changes the current node's
    # value to the value of its successor node:
      node.rightChild = lift(node.rightChild, node)
      return node
def lift(node, nodeToDelete):
  # If the current node of this function has a left child,
  # we recursively call this function to continue down
  # the left subtree to find the successor node.
  if node.leftChild:
    node.leftChild = lift(node.leftChild, nodeToDelete)
    return node

  # If the current node has no left child, that means the current node
  # of this function is the successor node, and we take its value
  # and make it the new value of the node that we're deleting:
    nodeToDelete.value = node.value
    # We return the successor node's right child to be now used
    # as its parent's left child:
    return node.rightChild

function to print all node value in order

function traverseAndPrint(node) {
  if (node == undefined) {

how to use

  • traverseAndPrint(node0)