=====Goodby Loser===== Contributors: Adrian Ray, Bryce Lewis, and Morzel Chambers Tags:Fun, Funny, Decorative, Motivational Requires at least: 6.0.3 Tested up to: 6.0.3 Stable tab 4.2.0 License: N/A License URI: N/A Requires PHP 8.1 A funny Plugin that does funny things. == Description == An obvious Hello Dolly clone but this one insults you and critiques you in an attempt to involk reverse psycology and make you work harder(ITS GENIUS). ==Instillation== 1. Upload unziped folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' Directory. 2. Activate plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress. 3. Navigate to Settings>Genral to to add more 'Motivation" 4. Profit ==Frequently Asked Questions == Who......Asked? no one.