
GY-NEO6MV2, DS3231, 1602 LCD, LiPo and TP4056: A Dutch/Greek GPS-synced clock.

Primary LanguageC++

A battery-powered, GPS-synced, real-time clock.

Making the clock

Bill of materials

  • A Pro-Mini ATMEGA328p holds the brains of the operation.
  • 1602 LCD screen shows the time, as well as the country selection menu.
  • GY-NEO6MV2 GPS receiver.
  • Single (debounced) button navigates the country selection menu
  • DS3231 holds the real-time even when the circuit is powered down.
  • TP4056/LiPo powers the circuit

In action

Here's a video of the country selection process and its impact on the rendered time:



A nice afternoon of hacking :-)