
High-performance multi-platform GUI library for SDL2 OpenGL/Vulkan accelerated

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome 🐈

EKG purpose is simplicity way to create fency reitaned high-performance GUIs, always looking for low-specs.
EKG is exclusive for SDL for now.

Check documentation here!

Image Text Calc

showcase clip
Background song: GUNNM OST

Check the development updates here.
EKG is recognised as an open-source project by JetBrains 🖤
JetBrains Black Box Logo logo.

Get Started 🐈‍⬛

The EKG supports natively two APIs: OpenGL, and Vulkan. Vulkan is not supported yet, but soon.

Be sure you compile together all these three libs:
GLEW/Vulkan/GLES3, SDL2, and Freetype.

The order of the linker is important too, be sure you link EKG before the required libs. If you are on Android NDK, please replace GLEW with GLES3.

# cmake example
add_executable(your-project-name ekg SDL2main SDL2 freetype glew32)

# makefile example
cxx ... -lekg -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -lfreetype -lglew32

C++ compiler(s) support: GCC, MinGW32, MinGW64, Clang
C++ std version: 17

Library output path:
lib/win32/libekg.a Windows x86_x64
lib/linux/libekg.a Linux x86_x64
ANDROID_ABI/libekg.a Android armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64


EKG source code provides a demo application called Pompom under test/build/OS folder.

#include <ekg/ekg.hpp>

int32_t main(int32_t, char**) {
  // create SDL2 window and OpenGL context.
  //... init ekg.
  ekg::runtime ekg_runtime {};
  ekg::init(&ekg_runtime, sdl_window, "./font.ttf");
  // create GUI elements here or somewhere in the code, but once tick.
  ekg::frame("fps frame", {20, 20}, {200, 200});
  auto label_fps = ekg::label("fps", ekg::dock::fill)->set_text_align(ekg::dock::center);
   * mainloop of your application/game.
  while (running) {
    // reduce CPU ticks and sync_flags with refresh rate...
    while (SDL_PollEvents(sdl_event)) {
      // handle the events here.
      // remember to poll ekg reset events:
    if (/* check timing each 1s to update display fps */) {
      display_fps = frames_elapsed;
      frames_elapsed = 0;
    // remember to set delta time ticks of ekg.
    // this is very important to UI animations. 
    ekg::dt = 0.016f; // running 60 fps -> t = 1000 / 60 -> dt = t / 100;
    // the update section (it comes before render segment).
    // now you can clear the buffers using OpenGL and enable render section of ekg.
    // ...
  return 0;

A simple example for creating textbox(s), buttons, and more widgets!

auto frame = ekg::frame("lê rect", {20, 20}, {400, 400});

frame->set_resize(ekg::dock::left | ekg::dock::right | ekg::dock::bottom);

ekg::button("pompom click!!", ekg::dock::fill);
ekg::slider("pompok number!!", 0.34f, 0.11f, 0.934f, ekg::dock::fill | ekg::dock::next)->set_precision(4);
ekg::textbox("Lê textbox", "hiii", ekg::dock::fill | ekg::dock::next)->set_scaled_height(6);

ekg::label("RGB:", ekg::dock::next);

auto r = ekg::slider("red", 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, ekg::dock::fill)->set_precision(2);
auto g = ekg::slider("green", 0.69f, 0.0f, 1.0f, ekg::dock::fill)->set_precision(2);
auto b = ekg::slider("blue", 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, ekg::dock::fill)->set_precision(2);

ekg::scroll("scroll minecraft");

Image Text

Here how to create popup(s)!

while (SDL_PollEvent(&sdlevent)) {

  if (ekg::input::released() && ekg::input::receive("mouse-3-up")) {
    // \t  add line separator
    auto main = ekg::popup("file", {"\tAdd", "Cut", "Copy", "\tPaste", "\tSelect All", "Actions"});
    auto three = ekg::popup("file-add", {"Cube", "Plane", "Sphere", "Hexagon", "Hexagon"});
    auto hexagon = ekg::popup("file-add-hexagon", {"Tree D", "Plane", "Double Pairs Daggers"});
    auto game = ekg::popup("file-actions", {"Reload Clock", "Flush"});
    if (main) { // not null
      main->link("Add", three);
      main->link("Actions", game);
      three->link("Hexagon", hexagon);

Image Text


At total, there is 40% of the widgets done:

  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Frame
  • Label
  • Popup
  • Scroll
  • Slider/ProgressBar
  • Textbox/Entryfield
@copyright 2024 - Rina Wilk - VokeGpu