
Fork of LLM-RAG-ChatBot.

LLM-based chatbot using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to give answers based on local files.

Use case: evaluate if a person shows signs of dementia.


The chatbot interviews the patient and formulates a diagnosis when there are sufficient elements to give advice.

The LLM is enriched with a local customisable knowledge base describing the symptoms. All experiments used dementia as a use case (vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia).

In the current version, except for the first one, all questions are generated by the LLM that reacts to the dialogue. The dialogue is the base for determining the likelihood of dementia in the patient.

The main loop is as follows:

  • Generate a question based on the current dialogue and the knowledge.
  • Get the patient's answer.
  • Translate the dialogue into a description of the patient.
  • Attempt a diagnosis.
  • If no diagnosis is possible and the maximum number of questions is not reached, repeat.
  • If the maximum number of questions is reached, close without a diagnosis.

All parameters, including prompts, language model, parameters for the diagnosis, and knowledge, are fully customisable.

In the final loop, the dialogue is summarised by the LLM as follows:

The patient is a 75-year-old individual who experiences memory loss, confusion, and difficulty recognizing people and 
objects, suggesting possible cognitive impairment.

The LLM formulates the following diagnosis:

  "Number": 3,
  "Severity": 0.8,
  "Confidence": 0.9,
  "Explanation": "The patient exhibits three symptoms of cognitive impairment: memory loss, confusion, and difficulty 
                  recognizing people and objects. Based on the context provided, Alzheimer's disease or vascular 
                  dementia are potential diagnoses. Given the age of the patient, Alzheimer's disease is a more likely 
                  candidate. The severity of these symptoms suggests an advanced stage of cognitive impairment.",
  • Number: number of symptoms identified in the patient.
  • Severity: LLM's evaluation of the severity (0 to 1).
  • Confidence: LLM's self-assessment (0 to 1).
  • Explanation: LLM's reasoning.

The diagnosis follows these rules:

  • minimum 5 questions. This number is arbitrary, but it must be greater than 1 to prevent bias.
  • minimum confidence: 0.5
  • minimum number of symptoms: 3
  • score = severity * number of symptoms * confidence
  • minimum score: 1.5

Note: the numbers above are arbitrary.

If all conditions are met, the LLM's explanation is translated in a friendlier message for the patient.



The application uses Ollama to run the LLM. Ollama can be downloaded from the official website, from its GitHub repository, or installed with packet managers such as Homebrew on Mac.

E.g. on Mac:

brew install ollama

After the installation, run Ollama and download Mistral.

E.g. on Mac:

ollama serve &
ollama pull mistral

It is possible to run Ollama in Docker, however the hardware acceleration may not work properly. Without acceleration, the system is essentially unusable. In doc/docker/ollama there is an example of Dockerfile to prepare the image.

Python and the application

The application was written and tested with Python 3.10.13. Python 3.11 was ignored because some dependencies did not support it at the time.

PyCharm was chosen as IDE, but it is only a personal preference.

Create a virtual environment and activate it.

E.g. on Mac:

python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

Install all the required libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Edit config/config.json.

  • chat: configuration of the chat.
    • defaultQuestion: first question to the patient.
  • collection: identifies the name of the collection of documents around a topic. This name is effectively the name of the source file without the extension.
  • diagnosis: these are a collection of parameters to calibrate the diagnosis step:
    • minimum_number_of_questions: minimum number of questions before the diagnosis.
    • maximum_number_of_questions: after that number, the application will give a negative diagnosis.
    • minimum_confidence: the LLM self-evaluate its confidence about its opinion between 0 and 1.
    • minimum_number_of_symptoms: minimum number of symptoms to give a positive diagnosis.
    • minimum_score: the score is confidence * symptoms * severity. The severity is calculated internally by the LLM.
    • negative_diagnosis: description of the negative diagnosis. The LLM will adapt it to the dialogue.
  • model: please find model names on the Ollama's website. Please note that different models perform differently, may require different prompts, and must be installed in locally in Ollama.
  • page: configuration of the single page interface.
    • header: page's header.
    • subHeader: page's sub header.
    • spinnerText: text that appears while the LLM is working.
    • title: page's title.
    • userInputSuggestion: text in user's input text area.
  • prompts: configuration of the prompts.
    • chat: these are the prompts used to continue the dialogue.
    • summary: these are the prompts to extract the patient's description from the dialogue.
    • final_diagnosis: in case of positive diagnosis, these prompts translate the diagnosis into a dialogue with the patient.


Run the application with:

python -m streamlit run chatbot/

The browser should automatically open http://localhost:8501/

This is an example of a complete chat:

This is based on the current version.
