
Library to allow mocking of a Play-ReactiveMongo app's MongoDB back end

Primary LanguageScala


Library to allow mocking of a Play-ReactiveMongo app's MongoDB back end.

The intention of this library is to facilitate the writing of tests which:

  • Cover DAO- or Service-level logic around backend database calls
  • Allow a level of component testing beyond simple unit tests
  • Execute far faster than conventional "seeded database" tests
  • Eliminate the potential issues around inconsistent and/or shared database state

This library is currently a work-in-progress and should not be considered useful until an artifact has been publicly published.

A Note About Versioning

Due to the nature of mocking method calls, it is essential that the version of this library matches exactly the version of [https://github.com/ReactiveMongo/Play-ReactiveMongo].


Two modes of usage exist - the first will be more familiar to those who have used mocking libraries such as Mockito before. The second is a "higher-level" abstraction over the Mongo datastore, where the entire store (or at least, the part(s) being tested) are represented as a Map of Maps. If you are executing complex multi-Collection join-like queries, it may end up being a more readable solution.

Traditional Mock Definitions

The Map Abstraction

Mix in MappedMongoMocking and define mockData - a Map[String, Set[JsObject] i.e. mapping CollectionName to its contents. That's it! All of your Mongo find() operations will now work against this data.


Standing on the shoulders of giants: